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Everything posted by Peej

  1. I definitely appreciate it. As you mentioned it it makes sense, as the emulator would need to be able to prompt from within itself as well. Thank you! Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  2. Hello all! Just checking to see if anyone knew of this feature! It would be immensely helpful if it is there because I am building a cabinet with the coin door option, and if for any reason I walk away from my game after I play it, and don't hit exit, after a short while it would just exit back to the main menu wheel and not just keep playing the attract mode of that one game. I appreciate it! Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  3. I appreciate it, I was checking the original theme pack and did not realize that it was in an upcoming update. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  4. Pardon the ignorance, where do I find the theme set up like this here in post number 17, with the arcade cabinet? I am building a fightcade and this would be perfect! Thank you for your time and patience! Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  5. Good afternoon to all. To those in the know, I was just wondering if this feature was available, as I have not yet laid my eyes on it: is there a way, say after you play a game, and say you walk away from your system, that after a few moments, (using a pre set point of time), your Bigbox or Launchbox would return back to the game list automatically? Not just staying stuck on that current game's attract mode, but returning back to the game Wheel? Perchance that I have overlooked this feature, I apologize for my naivete! Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  6. Thank you all. I'm might have to make a suggestion to see if it is at least a remote possibility. I think it might be a a plausible benefit for those who may want to use their cabinets quasi authentically.
  7. (Rereading my post, I can see where even my subject title can contradict what I really meant.. I apologize.) Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  8. Thank you, I appreciate both of your responses! I apologize if I didn't produce clarity to what I was really inquiring with my question. I have done quite a bit of work with launchbox so I'm pretty confident with it; the feature I am looking for is not necessarily it working with the coin Mech, because I have seen that can work with the emulators. The feature I am looking for is one that is shown in the video that I linked to, (starting at 1:50 on) : using Launchbox or big box to facilitate the games like icade, in an attract mode, and then when I put my quarter in it would let me choose which game my quarter is going to be applied to accordingly.. Just wondering if Launchbox could be articulated similarly. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  9. This may be a novice question, and I'm okay with that! I have looked relatively thoroughly throughout the forums and utilizing Google, yet to no avail. I have an old arcade cabinet with plenty of connections internally so I would really like to use the coin door & coin slot for the most authentic arcade experience I can get. Are Launchbox and Bigbox capable of running on a genuine arcade machine, properly utilizing the coin door and coin mechs, so that it will run just like a regular arcade machine experience? For example, icade: The way iCade uses a front screen to let you pick the game you want to play, (the 60-in-1 jamma connection) then you utilize your quarters that you put in through the coin slot and the credits to the game you select. I appreciate any and all feedback, positive or non, that I can get! Thank you, Peejers
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