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Everything posted by AmiGamer

  1. Sounds like a good starting point, thanks.
  2. I see... thank you for your help. I'll have to work on this for awhile. I did just try to get colecovision running, I put the one core labeled Coleco.... 'bluemsx_libretro' but it still didn't run. I'll have to look further. Thanks again....
  3. I see, you mean in the retroarch download ? Such as the 7800 was labeled Atari 7800 'prosystem'. OK I think I got that, but I just looked and there are 11 SNES cores and 5 Arcade cores. Will they all work, or is there one specific one you need to choose ?
  4. Perfect ! Thank you... As for the others that aren't working is there a list somewhere that will show what I need to change their command line parameters to ? SNES, Arcade and a few others still aren't working...
  5. Here's a few screen shots of what I have so far. Maybe they will help. Though I'm still not clear on what you meant earlier. What exactly should I be matching the command parameters with to know if they are the same ? Is there a wiki or list that would show how they should be arranged ?
  6. Thanks for the reply Lordmonkus ! Could you elaborate further as I'm new and not familiar with 'command line parameters'. Where would I find them, and what would I need to match them up with ? I followed along with a video I saw about downloading 'cores' (i believe I did that correctly). Strangely I thought a video mentioned the 2600 and 7800 used the same setup (Stella core) though the 2600 works and the 7800 doesn't (?) Thanks again....
  7. Just starting out. I added a few platforms ( 2600, 7800, SNES, NES, Colecovision, Amiga, Arcade) and find that 2600, Amiga and NES work fine but the others do not work at all. Other than Amiga the others all use Retroarch. They all loaded fine, with no errors, but when I click on the game's icon the mouse will show busy (spinning) then return and nothing happens. How do I go about correcting this ? Where do I start ? I followed to same procedure I did for the ones that do work. I'm running LB ver 6.11 on a Win7 64 bit PC. Thanks.....
  8. Thank you for the links and advice guys. It was very helpful. One thing though for the latest version 1.3.6 there are two versions of RetroArch in the Win x86_64bit folder on the website. One labeled RetroArch.7z and the other 2016-07-17_RetroArch.7z. Which one do you use ? https://buildbot.libretro.com/stable/1.3.6/windows/x86_64/
  9. Where am I to download roms and emulators ? What form are they in (zip, exe, ect) ? What are the better web sites to download from ? Are there more than one emulator for each game available ? Which are the better choices ? And where can I find them ? I see a 'Games DB' here at Launchbox, but I couldn't find a way to actually download roms and emulators from there. Is that it's purpose ? If so. how do you download from there ? Thank you....
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