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Everything posted by nhoijtink

  1. (Win)Vice supports appending the filename to start in the commandline, but LaunchBox won't accept it complaining the rom file doesn't exist. After fiddeling around for a while i found a work-around. The correct command-line for (Win)Vice would be: @x64 -default -fullscreen -autostart "mydisk.d64:startme" This would load mydisk.d64 and then the emulator would start startme.prg from the loaded disk. Very usefull when having files with multiple programs/games in one D64 image. Because LanchBox doesn't like ":startme" appended (which would be a nice thing to add, we need the workaround. We first create a batch file with the following content: @x64 -default -fullscreen -autostart %2:%1 Since LaunchBox supplies the rom file as the second parameter in our case, and %1 as the custom command line parameter, we need to take this in account in the batch, which is why we use %2:%1 in stead of %1:%2 The @ in front of x64 (being the emulator) simply suppresses the output of the commandline itself. Now we need to configure LaunchBox, for that look at the attached screen-dumps. It is straight forward. The actual command-line passed to the batchfile will be "oils well+" "roms\OILSWELL.D64" , which results in the actual command-line @x64 -default -fullscreen -autostart "roms\OILSWELL.D64":"oils well+" called by the batch file. Please not the double quote weirdness. The parameters %1 and %2 are actually passed with quotes, which is fine for windows. We need the quotes because we want to be able to use spaces in the filenames Normally we would want "roms\OILSWELL.D64:oils well+" as the string passed to the batchfile, but alas, i couldn't find an easy way to do that with LaunchBox or within the batch file. This work-around might also be usefull with other emulator calls .... so enjoy.
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