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  1. Hi, Can someone made or shared a game wheels template for the Sega Lindbergh and Namco ES3 systems ? Thanks in advance
  2. Hello, would it be possible to get logo for Namco ES systems (ES1, ES2 and ES3) ? txs !!
  3. Amazing!! Thanks !
  4. @viking, Could you be so kind to make logos for Sega RingEdge and Sega RingWide arcade systems ?
  5. Hi, anyone willing to make Sega Ring Systems logo (RingEdge / RingWide) ? Thanks in advance
  6. @Detran .. yeaah, this one looks great. Thx !!
  7. @viking thanks for the wheels. I would have imagined the Nintendo Arcade classics using Nintendo Playchoice or Nintendo Vs. arcade cabinet style (red and black colors, white text using playchoice calligraphy font) but yours is great anyway
  8. Hello Viking, Would you be so kind as to make a Nintendo Arcade Systems and an Arcade PC Games logo ? Mine are really crappy. Thxs,
  9. @BlueArrowUK Here is my custom Arcade Classics wheel
  10. Hi, Here is my Arcade PC Games
  11. Nice !! Nintendo Arcade systems is missing as well.. Here's mine
  12. Finally managed to download the file. Missing Gaelco logo, I just made this one but I am not an photoshop guru ...
  13. Amazing !!! thanks a million [edit] download failed... network error
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