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About slipsystem

  • Birthday 03/28/1990

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  1. Sorry guys l have a problem with maintaining focus. I haven't used launchbox for a while so I would need some time to figure out what is goin wrong. The source is available is anyone wants to do there own digging: https://github.com/slipsystem/LaunchBox-Plugin-Examples
  2. Yes Yes I know I have been gone for a while. I have been focusing on my band. I am going to be coming back to fix some of my plugins and maybe update some stuff. I cant put as many hours in as I used to but I will try my best to keep my projects updated. I will also be updating my source on github so other people can fork my projects.
  3. hey guys, sorry for not being there. I have been focusing on my band and not been doing much after hours coding. I will have a look at what caused this to break but I cant commit as many hours as I used to. on the plus side I work as a full time C# Developer so my coding skills will have improved since I was last here.
  4. Thank you so much @Tony Birt for donating to this project. you have encouraged me to do some more development on this. if anyone has feature requests for the next version I am taking them now.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Description this program is a repository of all all my plugins. Simply extract the 2 files to your root LaunchBox directory. Close LaunchBox before running this program. simply click download and the program will download the desired plugin and extract it to the correct folder. you are able to add other repositorys from other developers by add the repo url to the Repositorys.txt This is the first build more functions will be added later. BUY ME A BEER
  6. LaunchBox Plugin Repository View File Description this program is a repository of all all my plugins. Simply extract the 2 files to your root LaunchBox directory. Close LaunchBox before running this program. simply click download and the program will download the desired plugin and extract it to the correct folder. you are able to add other repositorys from other developers by add the repo url to the Repositorys.txt This is the first build more functions will be added later. BUY ME A BEER Submitter slipsystem Submitted 12/13/2017 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  7. Added a new update. Windows is not able to be resized, and it will not show hidden games. At the moment the database matcher only links them to the correct Games Database Id. to populate the metadata you would need to update metadata and images for the platform and select do not replace any existing fields. Launchbox will download all missing information. I will put a messagebox about this in the next build, I could probably download the information but I dont want to confuse launchbox with what was downloaded from the games database.
  8. added a checkbox for automatch. you will be able to disable the automatching feature. added a log file to show you games in your library vs games in the gamesdatabase.
  9. done. when clicking done it will check for games with both launchboxids and wikiids. doing it this way will prevent auto matched games from removing the wiki link if they are unset.
  10. hang on there is actually a better way of handling this.
  11. Uploaded a new version, this will prevent the bug from happening in the future. it will also fix the ones from the previous version. simply select the same platform again and it will check for games with both a launchboxid and wikiid.
  12. thank you for this bug report. I had no idea that the wiki entries needed to be removed. give me 2 minutes to fix this.
  13. added a update to sort platforms. I am not sure what is causing the text issue, can you try adjusting your screen resolution? all the labels are added dynamically so for me it gets a bit confusing setting sizes.
  14. Just uploaded an Update, Fixed size and sorted games alphabetically.
  15. LaunchBox Games Database Matcher View File DESCRIPTION One of the biggest problems with my games collection was missing artwork, So I decided to build numerous tools to scrape for missing media. the problem I found was not the fact that the LaunchBox database didn't have the game I was trying to get the artwork for but, the fact that the Title didn't match the Title on the Games Database. So I decided to build a plugin that will allow you to link the games that are missing a database Id. this plugin is not perfect, this will not work for Arcade at the moment. the Id can be reset by selecting unset but will not allow you to do so after clicking DONE. WARNINGS please check that games are matched correctly as the auto matching links the game before displaying the GUI so it is matched even if you don't click done. Auto matching uses regex to strip non letter and number characters from the game title then compares it with the same expression in the games database. it uses string contains which means if you have a game called A or the games Database contains a game called A, it will match it to a game that has the letter A in the title. for example GameTitle is Alien 2, Games Database Name is Aliens these will get matched together or vice versa. HOW IT WORKS after selecting your desired platform to match the plugin will scan all the games in that platform to get all the games missing a LaunchBox Database ID. the plugin will then scan the Metadata.xml and find all the games in that platform that have not been linked to a game in your collection. HOW TO 1. unzip and extract to plugins folder 2. open LaunchBox 3. Click Tools> Games Database Match 4. Select your platform 5. Match your games BUY ME A BEER Submitter slipsystem Submitted 07/02/2017 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
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