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Everything posted by paulmd

  1. Hey hey. This is a mildly seizure-inducing startup video I put together. It uses the Kroll Show intro format and theme song. Unlike the Kroll Show's intro, the stylized name on each screen is not in the same location so the effect isn't quite what I wanted. Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated. BigKroll_-_startup.mp4
  2. @SentaiBrad It's not that a system I imported was 'mostly empty,' I was just surprised by how many titles seemed to have been missed. This was happening primarily with Japanese titled Famicom games.
  3. @fromlostdays That's definitely a good suggestion, and I'll be sure to do that with anything new that I import. Have their been any discussions about possibly including the no-intro naming convention in the LaunchBox DB?
  4. This is hardly troubleshooting, as I've already really imported everything I intend to, but I'm just now wondering if my experience is unique or not. I was under the impression that the LaunchBox DB was familiar with or based on No-Intro naming conventions. Everything I imported was using the proper No-Intro name, but the scraping still seems to have failed getting quite a bit of metadata from certain games. Or it failed to properly identify the game at all (particularly when there was a Japanese title, but also for things like "junior" vs. "jr" and other possibly contentious spelling choices). I'm just wondering if this is a common experience or if I screwed up the importing somehow.
  5. @Antropus This utility is fantastic! Thanks. Do you plan to keep the Copy/Move sets feature on the Export tab? I've found it very helpful.
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