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Files posted by MTyrealhanla
Duplicate Image Deleter
By MTyrealhanla in Third-party Apps and Plugins
A tool that will assist you in finding duplicate images in a folder and delete/move one based on options you select. The app will recursively drill to every folder and perform the deletion or move them based on your selections.
Step 1 - select an image directory
Step 2 - choose your search options
Files with same name but different extension - This will return any files that have the EXACT same name except for the extension. You choose the extension you would like to keep or choose to keep higher resolution images. Files with same hash - This will return duplicate images no matter what the name. The tool will choose the image with the earliest creation date/alpha name as the original. Require Like File Names - This builds on the hash option. This will ensure that the duplicate images have a "Like File Name" that follows Launchbox's conventions. (i.e. Game-01, Game-02) Step 3 - choose your cleanup options. Preview will simply show you the changes that would be made. Delete will actually delete the duplicate images Move will move the images to the folder you choose. Step 4 - click Go!
Use at your own risk obviously, make a backup or use "Test Mode" first just in case.
Source code here: https://github.com/mtyrealhanla/DupImageDeleter