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Posts posted by Pommel

  1. Still no luck unfortunately but unwilling to admit defeat! :)

     @JoeViking245, you mentioned that the cfg file may be more a guideline and only gets loaded via a command line parameter. I wasn't sure if launchbox has something like that. Do you know if there is some readme with a list of properties you can add to launchbox.exe or bigbox.exe to do something like that? 
    For example, creating a shortcut like:
    C:\Games\Launchbox\Launchbox.exe <INSERT PROPERTY>


  2. Many thanks for the suggestions @JoeViking245!

    I opened the vlcrc you mentioned and found the changes already applied in there so I think that is what is being used when I open VLC and playing videos that way. 

    I tried changing to 'normalizer' for the audio-filter but no dice. Looking under another area of the wiki section for audio-filters it says to use 'normvol' for it to use normalizer so set it back to that  but made no difference anyhow. :)

    All good ideas, I will keep trying. Thanks!

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  3. Has anyone had any success in normalizing the audio for videos in Launchbox/Bigbox?

    If I open them in VLC from the ThirdParty/VLC folder of Launchbox directly it is picking up my normalize settings in there. When I play them in Launchbox or Bigbox however the videos are back to their original volume. 

    I saw there was a vlc.cfg file in ThirdParty with the normalize settings: 
    [normvol] # Volume normalizer

    # Number of audio buffers (integer)

    # Maximal volume level (float)

    # Audio filters (string)

    I uncommented these but it seems to make no difference. I saw a post during the version 9 beta that changes were not reflecting and there was some uncertainty it was being used?

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  4. Hey all,

    I saw in the community poll one of the features listed was:

    Pin-Locked Games Based On the Ratings Field

    After voting on it I was kinda shocked to see that the results placed it next to last in desired features. It made me think that maybe it was so low because people are doing something already to restrict content in their games list for kids and they do not need this?

    Does anyone know if this is the case? Or do just the majority of people not restrict their game list?

  5. Wondering is anyone else has had an issue with Mame losing focus when you pause in LaunchBox or BigBox?

    So some information:

    I have RetroArch and a separate copy of Mame (0.234) for my emulators.

    Pause for Retroarch works fine.

    Originally Mame would not even display a pause screen but reading the forums I discovered that "Forceful Pause Screen Activation" may help. It did, and now the Pause screen appears and the game pauses.

    When I select High Scored it displays a list of the scores and I can move up and down through the options.

    When I try to select any other option (Resume, Reset, Save, Load) the pause screen goes away but Mame does not gain focus, instead showing me launchBox or BigBox. I have to Alt-Tab to go back to it. The option I selected also does not seem to occur, but the game is now un-paused.

    The only change I have done to the emulator is that in Associated Platforms under Default Command Line Parameters I have some console specific settings (ex "Bally Astrocade" has "astrocde -cart"). 

    Any ideas?




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