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Everything posted by RenanFS

  1. Well, I don't download roms-pack, I only add games that I want to play, and I like to create different platforms when the console has differences between regions (example: Mega Drive and Genesis), I also create playlists for genres, series and publishers.
  2. I think the best example for me is Capcom's releases, with concept art, soudtrack, the game manual, early character designs, making of and extra in-game content.
  3. 5 party games that i love: Overcooked Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Castle Crashers Rocket League Minecraft
  4. For me, a good collection of remastered games needs to have the option to play the original version, with the graphics, music and gameplay of the original game, as well as the improved version, adding new musics, better resolution, new content and fixing problems. An example that I really like is Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (2017)
  5. A Collection with all JRPGS from Square-Enix in the NES,SNES era would be amazing.
  6. A Toy Story video games collection, including the SNES first movie game with remasters (or remakes) of the PS1 Toy Story 2 and Toy Story Racer games, and of course the best one Toy Story 3 (PS2/PSP and PS3/X360 versions).
  7. My Top 5 Games: Crono Trigger The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time Portal Marvel - Ultimate Alliance Spider-Man 2 (PS2)
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