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Posts posted by stormragez

  1. 6 hours ago, jacobsson said:

    Hi buddy! 
    I'm sure there will come a solution for this (when a sufficient amount of people have answered the survey), thank you for understanding!
    I'd much rather just wait, since the potential of this software is much to great to throw away.

    I know you guys are doing your best to move performance forward so I'll keep an eye on this thread.

    ill do the same, btw if u increse the amount of memory for the program it seams to work a bit better, im thinking this is an input tracking error, i saw something like this in other program i just cant remember how did i fix it....

  2. i have try a coople of things, i forgot to mention im runing a 4k resolution, but im sure thats not the problem cuz i also test it in other resolutions and its the same no matter what resolution im runing, i allready try closing all programas unistaling softwares clean posible adwares or spoyrwares etc i need to test on other compures just to be sure i have another one with the same procesor and ram just diferent board , and also few amd cpus i have like 10 compures to test it so i hope ill find out whats going on. ill update this if i find a solution.

  3. hi, i have a problem with the Bigbox 7.4 low performance, on coverflow or any theme view it just slow down covers like laging or something im not sure whatsgoing on


    my specs i7 47770k


    16gb of ram 2400mhz

    ssd 500gb (main disk for teh program and files)

    video card gtx 1080

    Windows 10 pro 64bit,


    im wondering if maybe im missing something, ill try to upload a video of the problem if is needed but i belive someone else have the same problem.

    my menú is not even close to be fluid,.. sometimes takes like 2 sec to move from one cover to another one.


    any help will be apreciated.

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