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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. Hi there, I try to change this contextual windows background and I want to display my fanart but I can't find where is the option to do that on the default theme someone can Help ? It's on the top of the game information.
  2. Hi, I try to start my Dreamcast Game and it won't start in launchbox with the retroarch Flycast core.It was working before and I don't know why it doesn't start now. all My Games are in .chd or .cdi format The name of the platform is the same in retroarch config. I tried to replace retroarch.cfg by default one but it doesn't work at all. When I try to start a game directly in retroarch, it works perfectly. I don't know what to do. Any Idea ?
  3. Hi Sundogak, and thanks for all, I tried my best but it doesn't work at all. Can you give me a screenshot from your mame.ini ? May be there is something wrong inthere for me.
  4. Hello, I try to running dark Castle on Mame with retroarch but I only have a boot screen with a Disk and it never gone. I put my macclasc.zip in the same folder as the .dsk files. What am i doing wrong ? Thanks for your response
  5. Hello, Nice work for your Theme, I really appreciate. Can you tell me how we can modify front box size ? Because on some platform it's really too big and I can't see the cart at the bottom of the screen.
  6. I don't know. But i use several config with gambatte for example and therés no problem. I even use a custom config with turbografx16 core. I only have this problem with turbografx cd core. I use the same syntax and method than with the orher files
  7. Yes that's what i've done but it soesn't work. I also try to create my own custom config file and use it with your own command line. Turbografxcd.cfg i do this with other cores and it works well. I don't understand why this core doesn't accept custom config.
  8. Thanks Lordmonkus, I try your command line but it doesn't work much.
  9. Hiveveryone, i use custom config with -c/-- command in launchbox with Retroarch but i don't know why it's impossible to do That with the core mednafen_pce_fast.dll i use this command -c/--config:mednafen_pce_fast_libretro.cfg the config file already existe and Nothing happens when i try to start a game when i only use the command -L cores...... Without the -c it works Any idea ?
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