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Everything posted by rodan1967

  1. I have a playlist of some favorite games and have BB setup to default to the playlist on startup. Is there a way to make BB just go directly to this screen on startup instead of playlist screen where I have to hit a button to get to view pictured below? There is probably a setting that I am overlooking but not sure where it is.
  2. Problem solved. Reinstall seems to have cleared up problem. Doh!
  3. I seem to be having issues with LB 7.7 BigBox I mapped HOLD to button 7(select) on X360 controller and Button 8(start) to CLOSE the ACTIVE WINDOW. It was working fine in previous versions of LB including the last Beta. Controller Automation works fine in other platforms. Mame is only place it does not. I have to hit ESC to get back to BigBox. Is there a better button combinations I should use to exit out of Mame game and back to big box? Forgot the version of MAME I am using is 0.182
  4. Thanks I saw that option 2 minutes after asking. LOL
  5. I can make the current game exit in Dolphin but then get a prompt "Do you want to stop current emulation" I cannot get back to Big Box till hitting yes on Keyboard. Is there any way to get around this?? I want to exit back to Bix Box directly from Gamepad without keyboard being needed.
  6. I spoke too soon. The license trick I did above worked for my laptop. My desktop has same issue when upgrading from version 6.4 to 7.5 Now BB mode no longer works. It just hangs on first screen and only way to exit is task manager.
  7. Spoke too soon. Updated Launchbox on my desktop to 7.5 from 6.4 and tried the License.xml trick and no luck. It also is stuck on the same screen as shown above. This tricked worked on my laptop but not on the desktop. Argh.
  8. solved issue on my pc. After updating to LB 7.5 the License Registration info seems to have gotten hosed even though the License.xml is in the Launchbox directory. Load the desktop mode and goto About > License Registration and select your License.xml in your Launchbox directory. Now it should not hang when launching Big Box Mode
  9. Ok solved issue on my pc. After updating to LB 7.5 the License Registration info seems to have gotten hosed even though the License.xml is in the Launchbox directory. Load the desktop mode and goto About > License Registration and select your License.xml in your Launchbox directory. Now it should not hang when launching Big Box Mode
  10. Same issues when launching BB mode. Freezes at first screen and only way to exit is to use Task Manager. Did not have issue with previous version.
  11. I have same problem. Someone suggested changing program permission to admin but that did not work. Previous version of Launchbox had no issues for me with Big Box mode which worked fine before updating. I also have tried doing a clean install of LB 7.5 thinking that might fix problem but no such luck.
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