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  1. When Launchbox start searching for artwork or videos in emumovies it takes at least 2 to 3 minutes searching for EVERY category, in other words, 3 minutes for front cart art, 3 minutes for manuals, 3 minutes for videos, 3 minutes for 3d box art an so on, however once it's done it download them in seconds (sometimes it dont get anything)...??? Why is this happening? that's just for one game by the way, if I tray with 10 old roms imports then it takes ages... also I must say that I was UNTIL now in version 11.15 because I have to stay in that version since future version make adding games to play custom playlist slow, then emumovies forever querying started to happen and I update to the latest Launchbox and it's still happening, in the end it fails to get any data from emumovies... I try to go into tools and verify my emumovies is correct and what not but also it takes AGES to just verify my account is good...? weird.
  2. I went to the site and seems okay, it's a yearly one, I still have tons off months left.
  3. When trying to download videos though emumovies it not longer give an option to get videos, just pictures.
  4. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? that was it!!! but how that got turned off!!?? it was after an update, and is not the first time an update turn something off or change some settings that takes me forever to figure out what is going on... anyway THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Yes, auto play is on and everything.
  6. Well... sorry for reviving this again but I have another issue regarding videos, the issue now is that videos do not auto-play but that they are missing all together, I can go to the edit game, media, videos and IT'S there and I can play it from there but video do not show up in lunchbox, I don't use bigbox anymore so I do not know if they show up there also yes, I do have the premium license so I have no idea what's the issue, also I must add that I deleted the settings file launch lunchbox and videos play fine then I restore the latest back up and no videos at all...help?
  7. Something was wrong with my paypal payments, it's fix now.
  8. When using "downloading media and metadata", using the "edit" function and when adding new roms I no longer have the "download high res or low res" video ocheckbox option from emumovies just art regardless of what game I try, even ones that I downloaded a gameplay video through this option no longer show a checkbox to download a video gameplay from either emumovies or anything else just cd case etc so yes I'm logged to emumovies and yes I have a subscription with them.... it used to work but not anymore, help anyone?
  9. Well I kinda look into that, how do you adjust values and (I'm sorry) what are values and how you adjust them?
  10. Hi and thank you so much for reading this as I'm going nuts trying to figure this out, I have a TON of games and I'm currently in the process of creating custom playlist for them so I can have them all neatly organized by series, the problem is it's VERY time confusing and prone to error trying to check if I miss a game because of the multiple platforms and over 50 plus custom playlist categories I have created... going to every playslist and right click and then go to the main menu, go to platforms, go to game...... is there's ANY way to check if I ****ALREADY**** put a game on a custom playlist WITHOUT going all the way to that particular playlist one, by one??? please, anyone? if not how can I humbly request this feature for massive neat nerds like me? please and thank you so much!!!! P.S. THANK YOU, AGAIN!
  11. Ummm, anyone knows? please?
  12. There's just one thing that I really would like to know how to do...... How do you check if a particular game is ALREADY in one of my custom playlist without checking manually every single playlist..... I have a ton of them and is time consuming go through all of them, is there any feature that say's "This game is on such and such playlist already and what not"? thanks in advance
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