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Everything posted by stevep

  1. I forgot to mention I'm using an Ultimarc video card......it's been awhile since I started this project.
  2. I am running ArcadeOS as a frontend on my arcade cabinet. It has the ability to alter video resolutions to any particular game. A nice feature if you want the game to look properly. I was wondering if Launchbox will be incorporating this feature in a future release.
  3. It wont let me rename when adding emulators. Could you please elaborate?
  4. I have a few versions of MAME on my PC. Can I use more than one version in Launchbox as some games only work with a specific version of MAME....or will this confuse Launchbox?
  5. What do you mean by the bottom screen? Also.....Can you play virtual pinball with an emulator?
  6. Just downloaded MAMEUI. It has all the bells and whistles that I need for it to work. No problems interfacing with Launchbox. I think it used to be called MAME32.
  7. Version 0.164 doesn't have this option. Updating to the newer version will reek havoc on my rom collection. As you know MAME is really finicky regarding the rom sets that you're using.....unless you have a solution around that I probably will stick with my current version.
  8. What version of MAME are you referring to? I'm running 0.164. This version doesn't allow me to alter those settings....at least not that I'm aware of. Please elaborate.
  9. What version of MAME are you referring to? I'm running 0.164. This version doesn't allow me to alter those settings....at least not that I'm aware of. Please elaborate.
  10. After doing a little research it seems that you can configure MAME to rotate the vertical games in their proper format using command lines. There is however another version of MAME specifically designed for Windows....MAMEUI. This operates like your typical Windows program. It also acts like a front end. This probably wouldn't be practical when using Launchbox. Since Launchbox can work on a portrait oriented monitor,I'm going try and configure MAME using command lines. This should enable me to play games like Donkey Kong,Pacman,Centipede ,etc in their original format. I guess I'm a purist when it comes to playing my favorite arcade classics.
  11. Will Launchbox run if Windows is rotated 90 degrees? The reason I'm asking is I'm curious how Launchbox would treat vertical games. Would it portray the game in full screen? I'm currently using ArcadeOS with win98 in an old DK cabinet. Windows is rotated 90 degrees and ArcadeOS displays the vertical games in their original format. If not ...does anyone know if Win7 supports ArcadeOS.
  12. No ...thats OK. It looks good on my pc but you really need that feature. When I play Pacman or Galaxian or Donkey Kong I want my game to look like the original....not like some PC wanabee...sorry
  13. After reading all these postsIhave to say that my old ArcadeOS and Mame setup from 15 years ago is still better than Launchbox. They are installed in a pc based arcade cab. If I rotate the monitor to a vertical position the front end has no problem accommodating me. Although Launchbox looks prettier it still has a way to go regarding functionality. I'm sorry I paid the extra $20 for Bigbox. Maybe the developers will add this very important option.....thst is if you want your games to resemble the originals. For me this is paramount.
  14. Thanks ..I'll try unzipping them first. If that doesn't solve the problem I'll try another emu.
  15. No ...it's hit or miss
  16. Yes
  17. I'm currently running ArcadeOS with MAME 0.66 in my arcade cab. The PC is running Win98. I've decided to update to a new PC running Bigbox as a front end. How does Bigbox handle vertical games in full screen mode when the arcade monitor is rotated in the vertical position.
  18. I'm currently using fusion as a Genesis emu. Sometimes it works but most of the time not so much. When launching a game the screen goes black but in the bottom left corner it seems to be counting something...59.1...60..59....60 etc..any ideas?
  19. stevep


    Where and how do I install bezels?
  20. stevep


    Well..I opted for the premium version of Launchbox...so far I'm a little disappointed. On boot up Bigbox only saw a smattering of my Mame roms. I also thought that the background videos were included. Where do I find these? Also loading themes seems to be very confusing. Do I really have to watch hours of tutorials to get this thing up and running?
  21. I finally got it to work.Apparently when you uninstall Launchbox it leaves a ton of files on your PC.I only discovered this by running a search for launchbox(after I had deleted it).After deleting all of the files I reinstalled and now it seems to be running.....one thing though....if you change the rom directory in MAME to the game directory in Launchbox it still fails.....so I left it at the default directory and all is well....weird....Also could you tell me how to activate the emumovies. I see it downloading the files but the videos don't play on the Launchbox screen. I am currently running version 7.6 of the free version.Do I need to get the premium version to get the video feature?
  22. so I guess I have to buy the premium version.
  23. I am currently running LAUNCHBOX 7.6. How do I get the emumovies to work. I see it downloading them but there isn't a way to display them. Is this just a feature of the premium Launchbox? Also does Emumovies require a fee as well?
  24. Here are some screenshots
  25. Mame 0.164 doesn't work through launchbox. Ive imported my games properly. When I click on a game nothing happens. When using mame as a stand alone it works perfectly. Just doesn't like lauchbox. Any solutions?
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