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Posts posted by sitruz

  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to get Project64 working in 16:9 ratio, but when I use the default Glide64 video driver in the latest Project64 I'm missing the "Emulation Settings" tab in the "Configure Graphics Plugin..." menu (which is where the drop down selector is for aspect ratio).

    I downloaded the Glide64 Final driver, and that allows me to see and use 16:9, but with that I'm having huge problems running HIRES texture packs. 

    Are there any configuration file options that I can set to force the emulation settings tab to appear in the default Glide64 driver?

    Many thanks

  2. I just spent ages trying to set this up. Managed to do it in the end using 1964 and a HIRES texture pack. I mapped my controls manually, then used the modifiers section to add a zoom/aim function. Only problem I had was mapping the fire button in zoom mode to the same key I use for fire when not zoomed. As a work around I mapped my Xbox One right bumper to fire while in zoom mode. Works for me, and plays awesome! :D

  3. @Neofuuma Thanks for that. As it happens, I had just completely uninstalled and reinstalled in the default directory instead, and now everything seems to be working. Madness. No idea why that would affect it. 

    Strangely I notice a lot of roms in the filtered list despite filter options. It seems like whatever I filter makes no difference. I selected only USA, Europe and World, but it's still including a load of Japan region games for example. I de-selected Maze games, and I've got those included too. I selected anything from 1990 onwards, and I got everything from 1980 onwards.

  4. Hi

    Only just come across this addon. Looks just what I need. I have a full romset for 181 but I'm only interested in a portion of them.

    I mistakenly originally downloaded the version from the 1st post, which populated a huge list of roms as expected. But when I found this new version, I went through it the same way, added paths and selected options, but when I get to the final export page there's no rom's shown at all. I press filter and nothing happens. I get a screen flash to show it is starting the process but nothing happens.

    Everytime I press Reload All, it get a popup saying "Please set all paths first, then close/re-open Lightspeed". After that it's blanked all my paths out again as if first use.

    Any idea's what I'm doing wrong? I know the GUI has changed a bit from the first version to the current, but I don't see why it shows no rom's.

    Many thanks.

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