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Everything posted by johnnyskullhead

  1. Hi Hoping someone can help, trying to use Service Menu in Golden Axe - Revenge Death Adder in Final Burn Neo can access Service Menu but cant move through menu or select anything- does anyone know what default keys/Controls are ? or how to change them ? Thanks Dean
  2. Cheers Mate just done it all working fine now Many Thanks for help 😄👍
  3. Games that will run in PCSX2 outside of Launchbox Raiden ii Gradius v 1945 etc.. can i convert within Launchbox or need extra util ? Thanks
  4. Hi hoping someone can help ? Installed some ps2 games and some will run through Launchbox but others won't , but work fine using emulator directly. it appears to affect both iso and bin/cue any ideas would be appreciated Thanks Dean
  5. Thanks Mate downloaded Bios pack works fine now Thanks for all your help much appreciated Dean
  6. where abouts is bios in mame ? thanks
  7. Thanks Mate , think its there but will check have you got it running on flycast ? is there a specific Rom version do you know ? Thanks
  8. HI Need help with Retroarch , got Naomi up via Flycast and running but cannot get HOTD 2 to work , all other games seem to work and i have added bios Any ideas? Thanks Dean
  9. johnnyskullhead


    Hi Hoping someone can help ? Want to update Mame and Romset , do i delete old roms and import new rom set ? or do i start fresh as in start a new build ? when i have deleted mame install before it seemed to leave portions i could not delete, an Arcade heading in left column Thanks in Advance Dean
  10. Cheers Mate Sorted it Many Thanks Dean
  11. so where does the old script go then ? default command line parameter ? DEan
  12. Hi had to start my Launchbox build from scratch and now i cant get Sega M2 emu to close with escape, have googled problem and old forum post says add to autokey tab (See enclosed pic) on current version of launchbox there is no option any help would be appreciated Thanks Dean
  13. Hi Hoping someone can help Got Ultimarc Trackball works fine, but want to use as mouse in Cabinet, so i dont need a seperate mouse. Currently using trackball to USB straight to PC and Ipac 2 for Joysticks and Buttons Anyone suggest best way to wire up spare button to use as left mouse button Many Thanks
  14. Hi hoping someone can help tried using integrated bezel download, worked fine yeterday downloaded couple systems no issues tried today and now its stuck in a constant loop of downloading Megadrive , mame i cant cancel quit out turned off pc cannot cancel it soon as a reboot it starts again currently been running for over 2 hours and will not stop Dean
  15. Thanks Mate will check
  16. Hi Sorry if this is covered elsewhere Cannot get Time Crisis 2 & 3 , tried different versions Japanese and USA both .bin and .Iso Any help would be appreciated Thanks Dean
  17. Cheers Mate Will Do
  18. Sorry one last thing , how do i ensure pcsx 2 shuts down ? when i press escape to leave game its still running in background ! Do i need command line parameter ?
  19. Thanks Mate getting there now Thanks for all your help
  20. Think i have found problem , will the emu only work with .iso ?
  21. Cheers mate will do Thanks will let ya know
  22. just installed so same settings , not got vast amount of games do you recommend PCSX2 Configurator plugin ?
  23. Hi Sorry to be a pain but struggling some games will run ok on PCSX 2 but some crash and give this error message its stand alone version with bios Any help would be appreciated
  24. Thanks to all Now working great
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