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Everything posted by mikeisfly

  1. I wanted to update my RetroArch installation and found a cool video on YouTube that explains the process here: Updating RetroArch Based on this video I created a PowerShell script for anyone looking to automate this process: RetroArchUpdate.ps1 Please feel free to look at it and try it. I have only tested it on two of my machines but should help to take some of the pain out of the upgrade process. If this is helpful and enough people test it maybe the admins can make this a sticky. Don't judge me on my code, I made this fairly quick and have not cleaned it up much. Thanks for RetroArch and hope this helps. Look forward to your feedback. Directions: 1. Copy text from pastebin and put it in a text file and save the file with a .ps1 extension. 2. Copy powershell script to a folder close to where your retroarch folder is located (I use the parent folder to retroarch) 3. Open PowerShell command prompt and navigate to where the folder is located 4. Execute the powershell script (Example: ps c:\arcade> .\retroarchupdate.ps1) The Script takes two arguments "RetroArch Path" "Updated RetroArch zip file" Example : .\retroarchupdate.ps1 c:\arcade\retroarch retroarch.7z These arguments can be hard-coded into the script in the param block to make life easier, just put them between the single quotes. Here is the code for your review: I will also attach the file as well. <# Arthor : Michael Gates Date : 6 September 2017 This script will automate the upgrading of RetroArch. It Requires Winrar to be installed in your c:\program files folder and the name of the upgraded file to be named retroarch.7z Syntax .\"RetroArch Upgrade v2.ps1" c:\arcade\retroarch retroarch.7z If no arguments are given then the default values in the Parameter block will be used. You can change these to fit your needs This script is free to use and I take no responsibility for any damage this may cause to your system or your RetroARch installation. Remember to alway make a back up before using this. Credit goes to: https://adamstech.wordpress.com/2011/05/12/how-to-properly-pause-a-powershell-script/ (I borrowed the pause function) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11412617/get-a-folder-path-from-the-explorer-menu-to-a-powershell-variable (Helped me use explorer instead of commandline) http://www.powershellmagazine.com/2013/06/28/pstip-using-the-system-windows-forms-folderbrowserdialog-class/ (Helped with picking selected path) http://www.powershellmagazine.com/2013/07/01/pstip-using-the-system-windows-forms-openfiledialog-class/ (Helped with filtering file input) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32014711/how-do-you-call-windows-explorer-with-a-file-selected-from-powershell (Helped with selecting the file in file explorer) #> Param #Change value here to set the default value if not specified at command line ( [String]$RetroArchPath = '', [String]$RetroArchUpgradeFile = '' ) Function Get-Path { $Path = pwd $Path = $Path.path Return $Path } Function SelectFolder ($RootFolder, $Description) { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms $FolderBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog -Property @{SelectedPath = $RootFolder} $FolderBrowser.Description = $Description [void]$FolderBrowser.ShowDialog() Return $FolderBrowser.SelectedPath } Function SelectFile ($RootFolder, $Description) { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms $File = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{Filter = 'RetroArch Upgrade File (*.7z)|*.7z|All Files (*.*)|*.*'} $File.InitialDirectory = $RootFolder $File.Title = $Description [void]$File.ShowDialog() Return $File.FileName } Function Pause ($Message1, $Message2) { # If ($psISE) #{ # The "ReadKey" functionality is not supported in Windows PowerShell ISE. $Shell = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Shell" $Button = $Shell.Popup($Message1, 0, $Message2, 0) Return #} } #Function Pause ($message) # { # Write-Host $Message # $x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") # } Function Check-Path ($PathString) { $x = ( !( $PathString[-1] -eq "\" ) ) IF ( $x ) { $PathString = $PathString + "\" } Return $PathString } Function Main() { $Assets = "assets", "autoconfig", "config", "filters", "overlays", "saves", "shaders", "states", "system", "cores", "retroarch.cfg", "retroarch.default.cfg", "retroarch-core-options.cfg" $RootFolder = Get-Path If ($RetroArchPath -eq "") { $RetroArchPath = SelectFolder $RootFolder "Where is your RetroArch Installed?" } If ($RetroArchUpgradeFile -eq "") { $RetroArchUpgradeFile = SelectFile $RootFolder "Select the File that contains your RetroArch Upgrade." } $RetroArchPath = Check-Path $RetroArchPath If (!(Test-Path TmpUpgrade)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory TmpUpgrade | Out-Null } ForEach ($Item in $Assets) { $TestCase = $RetroArchPath + $Item If (Test-Path $TestCase) { Copy-Item $TestCase TmpUpgrade -Force } } $WinRAR = '"c:\program files\winrar\winrar.exe"' $WinRARTmpDir = '\RetoArchNewTmp' & WinRAR x -y -r $RetroArchUpgradeFile *.* $RetroArchPath | Out-Null ForEach ($Item in $Assets) { If (Test-Path TmpUpgrade\$Item) { Copy-Item TmpUpgrade\$Item $RetroArchPath -Force Remove-Item TmpUpgrade\$Item -Force -Recurse } } Remove-Item TmpUpgrade Pause "Press OK to terminate" "Completed!" } Main
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