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Everything posted by oxJRxo

  1. This is a stupid question but I can't find a answer anywhere. Where do I put the reignstumble console Artwork Pack folder to get all the console pictures to show up in the Modern Mini theme on Bigbox? Mega Thanks.
  2. Thanks Jason. I couldn't find the XML file so I did some poking around and found my game/rom path was pointing to the wrong directory and I fixed that. I now have around 3000 games showing I'm guessing the rest are different versions of each rom and are hidden. I like MK2 v.2.1 for the glitches so I'll be trying to turn filters off next. Strange it still found games even with the wrong directory..? Here's some pictures of what I changed.
  3. I have the same issue with my mame /arcade roms I should have around 9000 but only showing under 1500 I will try copying my Xml file and deleting the original so it rebuilds it. If that don't work how do I undo the hide field so it shows all of them? Thanks for the help. Happy I found some things to try.
  4. !!!Problem solved!!! THANKS to Maozem and Napalm2016. I used this link https://support.xgaming.com/support/solutions/articles/12000003090-x-arcade-programming-guide From Maozem, "thank you" To change my X Arcade button mapping so Big Box will see it as a keyboard.
  5. Just a update, I'm thinking my problem is the key mapping thanks Maozem for the x arcade button configuration video link and Napalm2016 for comfurming what I think is a dead on suggestion from Maozem. Unfortunately,,... I need to get a 'USB to PS2 Keyboard adapter' to see if the x arcade controller mapping will work. !!Only way to program a x arcade controllers keys is threw the PS2 port!!??? Anyways I will post back ASAP to let you both know if this is the issue. Thanks again.
  6. Mega thanks Maozem Looks like you've given me all the information I need to get this figured out. The light on the x arcade is on and it works with all my emulated games just not letting me input anything in the Launch/Big Boxes button configuration, like the UI doesn't see the x arcade at all. I've have the same problem with Mame's UI...? I'm at work now and will try some things you suggested when I get home and will report back. Thank you Maozem.
  7. I'm trying to set up my X Arcade controller with Launch/Big Box but it doesn't seem to recognize any inputs "cant configure controls" is there a way to get the Launch Box or Big Boxes UI to recognize my X Arcade controller inputs? I want to use Big Box with my mini arcade. Thanks for any help.
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