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Posts posted by Namedos

  1. I have the same problem.  My current version is 13.5 so not sure why it won't update.  I have another separate versions of LB for eXoDos and it updated without a problem.  I selected the menu, then help, then check for updates.  As mentioned by garrett521 it flashes for a split second that it is checking for an update and then nothing happens.

  2. I'm using Unified Refried's Theme and once I select the Platform in Big Box, my game selection screen is a vertical wheel.  I have some of the clear icons but I'm missing some of them.  I don't see any of the icon's in the Theme folders.  I'll try refreshing the Images within BigBox and see if that does it.

  3. In my Mame collection (and as a byproduct AAE) I don't have any flyers as artwork for Lunar Battle and Vortex.  Has anyone created any covers/flyers/boxes for either of these games?  I've searched on this forum as well as google and can't seem to find anything.  Thanks!

  4. Jason - appreciate the help!  I deleted both the VLC and the CefSharp folder.  Same problem.  BigBox won't launch until I manually delete the two 7-Zip console files.  Once that happens it starts right up.

    Should I try a fresh version of LaunchBox?  If so, what is the best way to do that?  Thanks again.

  5. LaunchBox will start up fine.  When I select BigBox nothing seems to happen.  I stopped keeping track of the time after 30 minutes.  I went into my task manager to see what was going on.  Strangely enough I found four background version of 7-Zip Console all running at the same time.


    Once I closed out all four of them then BigBox started.  The odd thing about this...I don't have WinZip installed on my computer.  I did a bunch of searching and couldn't find much about this.  I did try a search on my computer for the 7Z.exe file and found two versions of it in my Nvidia folders.  Took the bull by the horns and deleted both of those.  I tried installing WinZip and the formally uninstalling it.  After a fresh re-boot, no WinZip on the computer, The image above is what I found again.

    Very strange.  Anyone seen anything like this?

  6. I'm on the current Beta version of LaunchBox which is what I typically use.  The last couple of beta versions I've notice a couple of things.  First, I typically close out using the X or close button on the window.  When I've done that or when I exit the application a remainder of the application is running in the background.  I've got to ctrl+alt+del to pull up the task manager to close out the background application.

    Second, I don't normally use Big Box but when I tried to open it yesterday and today, nothing happens.  What I mean by that is, it closes out LaunchBox but then it never opens Big Box.  When I go into the task manager I don't see anything for Big Box (If there even would be) and the background app for LaunchBox is still there.

    I've restarted my computer several times.  Any other suggestions?  Thanks!


  7. Lou Silver - thank you very much for the images.  Just what I was looking for.  

    Your Starter Kit is great.  I haven't used it yet but appreciate making this stuff "Idiot proof".

    Thanks for sharing this material!

  8. Where are the Notes for each game stored?  I tried searching but there are over 20 pages with the term "notes".  Thanks.

  9. Anyone seen a clear logo for Deluxe Space Invaders?   Rom name is invaddlx

    I've seen Space Invaders and Space Invaders 2 but not the deluxe version.  I went to EmuMovies and downloaded their latest MAME clear logo set but it doesn't include it either.  Thanks for any help you can provide.

  10. If I add videos to the Game Detail section of LB, is there any way to turn off the sound of the video?  Having the non-stop sound is a little overwhelming at times but on the other hand, I like to see the video clips of the selected game.  Nothing major here, just curious if there is a setting in options that I couldn't find.  Thanks!

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