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Everything posted by Beastachu

  1. @spycat, just tried that and no dice =/
  2. this is my settings for P64 in LB
  3. Not that I'm aware of. There's a special graphix setting for Sin & Punishment, but that's the only game that's got anything special going on.
  4. this is what the screen looks like when I try to just double click a game from the LB menu (this applies to all 64 roms I've tried) This is the settings menu on P64 My graphix plug in is typically Glide64, since I've had the most success with that. However I have a custom one for Sin & Punishment as it was the best english translation I could find. TBH, aside graphics, I haven't really had to tweak anything on the plug-ins aspect. This is P64 running Jetforce Gemini that I loaded from within the emulator's ROM selection, just for verification.
  5. yeah, it ran fine prior running from the respective emulators. I just checked and they're both capable of being run from selecting the rom file itself, just not through launchbox
  6. I just checked, and I've had all those settings already. I'm in the process of setting up retroarch, but I'm not sure if my laptop can handle Mupen64's hardware demands
  7. for the record, I'm a noob, so I'll honestly admit I have no idea what I'm talking about rly. Just what others have said. That being said, I read on a thread on stand alone posts that some emulators weren't able to support loading roms directly, and that they might require some default command line parameters. However, I haven't found any mention of these 2 emulators & what said command line parameters would be, so IDK if that might be the problem. Also, what's a dependency?
  8. I followed the tutorials, & dug a bit through the forums, but I still don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I can't get games to load up on Project64 2.3, or PPSSPP. Whenever I click a 64 game on LB's menu, it opens P64, but there's a small error window that tells me nothing. PPSSPP I have a similar problem with, except instead it simply blinks the emulator on then immediately closes it. What am I doing wrong?
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