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Everything posted by Bower84

  1. Yeah sorry i never replied until now. I did what the original reply said and contacted them for a code. If anyone else is interested Zen have a form you can fill out on their website which they then send you a code was quite fast too! Dont have to email them etc just fill out the form on their site. Cabinet mode is tons better!! =)
  2. Thanks a lot man, good old PD ha dont know why i didnt think to check there in the first place havent been on in quite a while! Got it now anyway so thanks for the tip ha
  3. Guys anyone can provide a link or at least a hint to the location fo this MAME 0.172 Software List CHD torrent? I have searcghed the net, google, duck duck go, all torrent sites etc and cant even find a mention of it?! Any help is appreciated cheers
  4. When this is set up which mine is now, when starting a table is it supposed to just take you to pinball FX2 table select menu but the cursor will already be on the table you just selected? Thats what mine is doing and is that correct, its not supposed to start the table and skip the selection menu etc is it? I know you can do this with future pinball but with fx2 being more of an actual game i didnt think this was possible? If so whats the command line and is there one to exit out of the whole game with the esc key like you can with the other platforms /emulators? Thanks a lot
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