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Posts posted by Ariakan

  1. 18 minutes ago, Lahma said:

    Very interesting! I've never even heard of the .chd file format, but then again, I don't mess with MAME emulation very much... It sounds like its simply a compressed hard drive image ("Compressed Hunks of Data"). Unless .chd offers some big advantage in terms of compression or something (I can't imagine there is any real significant difference) , I think I personally prefer to stick with .pbp since it is supported by most PS1 and PSP emulators, as well as modded PSP devices. Thanks for the useful information though... I'm sure it will prove to be useful to others. 

    Oh yes, for PSP we have to stick to the .pbp format.
    But for those who want to play on RetroArch cores, the .chd format is waaaay more better than everything ! 
    Only one file, no problem with multiples .bin files, less space on the disk (there is a real difference !)... and easy to compress all our games with only one script. If anybody read this and play on RetroArch, do the .chd compression instead of the .pbp one !1

    Example of total space after a compression (from reddit) :

    "Driver - You Are the Wheelman (USA) (v1.1)".

    • bin/cue : 747,030,480 bytes.
    • PBP (maximum compression) : 517,187,964 bytes.
    • CHD : 465,566,193 bytes.

    When we have a lot of games, it's a real difference. :D

  2. Hi!

    I just wanted to say that, since I created this topic, Beetle PSX HW and PSX-Rearmed cores support CHD format using chdman.exe from MAME.
    So now we can have one .cue + one or multiple .bin combined inside only one .chd file, with a better compression size than .pbp !

    I haven't try your solution, but thank you posting it!

  3. Well, I tried (with .pbp) :

    • Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams (Europe) + Bettle PSX HW : Nope 
    • Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams (Europe) + PCSX ReARMed : Nope
    • Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams (USA) + Bettle PSX HW : Nope
    • Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams (USA) + PCSX ReARMed : Yep

    It seems a little random and risky to compress everything to .pbp ... :( We should try a loooot of other multi-disc games to be sure the problem is isolated to this game... 

  4. I tried it with "Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams (Europe)". (The game we all have an issue with here)

    With the .cue and .bin file, it seems to work fine. But when I convert it into .pbp, the music in the introduction doesn't work and the music in the character selection "freeze".

    Can you try it too with chdman 195? I'm using 185 or 187, I don't remember... If it works fine, tell me what parameters in PSX2PSP you use and what emulator/core!

    If we can found a solution to make this game works, I will be able to test other games, and then I will be able to batch .bin&.cue > .pbp for all games!

  5. No, I don't want to give a playlist, I want to export all the roms of one (or more) playlist, make a copy of them in a folder.

    "- Hey, do you have any good party games for my new Raspberry Pi ?
    - Sure, I made a playlist. *click click* * exporting roms*
    - Here they are !"

    I could give my playlist, but people doesn't have 10K+ games like me...:D

  6. On 25/10/2017 at 3:55 PM, Lordmonkus said:

    Not sure if these have been requested but anyone wants to tackle these 2 plugin ideas that would be awesome.

    1: Export a list of games from a platform to an easy to read text file.

    2: Export a set of roms from a platform (or auto generated playlist if possible) to a folder. This would be really handy for building a streamlined set of roms for use on a portable USB flash drive setup.

    Yeah, that would be great.

    Create a playlist, and export it for sharing a set of roms with a friend... I thought there was this option in Launchbox, but I can't find it.

  7. 2 hours ago, spectral said:

    Well I had a play with the settings in imgburn, it seemed very insistent on creating .img files despite what I picked. Got it to create a bin, converted that and while closer its still not spot on. The music is there but the timing is out. It kicks in early or late or sometimes cuts out abrubtly. Much closer than before though. For now though I think I'll be sticking to just leaving the games with the music tracks seperated out as they are.

    Can you give me the .cue that you generated ?

    A friend is working on something, and we will compare what his file and your file !

  8. I am working on an update of the databse of PSX2PSP 1.4.2. Now my version, the batch mode gives me a folder with the game's name ! (and I use my script to rename eboot.pbp)
    I can't give it now because I need to compare my database with the database from redump. (to be sure everything is ok) When I will finish this, I'll post it here ! :) 

    No music problems with Deamon Tools when you combine the files ?

    @spectral : what was your game with the music missing ?

  9. 23 minutes ago, spectral said:

    The sizes aren't huge anyway so thats not a massive problem.

    I have 3000 games for 1.4 To

    For 100 games I've tested i've been from 43Go to 28Go with .pbp compression! When we have a lot of games, that's not insignificant...


    I'm trying something with Isobuster that seems to work but there is something strange.

    The script use Isobuster and 7zip :

    1. I have to compress all my games in .7z
    2. The script decompress the .7z in a folder TEMP
    3. It combines .bin files and generate a new .cue file
    4. Sometimes I have to press "no I don't want to buy IsoBuster now" :P 
    5. It compress back the files in a .7z file
    6. I have to decompress the 7z :D 

    Well, well, well...... if we can take away the 7zip part, it could be great ! But I don't understand everything in this script... Maybe someone can give it try?

    @echo off
    cd %~dp0
    set mypath=%~dp0
    >>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% **************************************************
    >>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2%                    Starting Job
    >>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% ************************************************** 
    >>Log.txt echo.
    if [%1]==[] goto :eof
    pushd %mypath%
    7za.exe l %1>contents.txt
    set file=contents.txt
    set /a cnt=0
    for /f %%a in ('type "%file%"^|find ".bin" /c /i') do set /a cnt=%%a
    echo *******************************************************************************
    echo File %~n1 has %cnt% .bin files!
    echo *******************************************************************************
    if %cnt% GTR 1 (goto extraction)
    echo *******************************************************************************
    echo File %~n1 WILL NOT be repackaged!
    echo *******************************************************************************
    >>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% %~n1 has only %cnt% .bin file and will NOT be repackaged.
    >>Log.txt echo.
    GOTO skipped 
    echo *******************************************************************************
    echo File %~n1 WILL be repackaged!
    echo *******************************************************************************
    >>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% %~n1 has %cnt% .bin files and WILL be repackaged.
    7za.exe e -y %1 -o.\TEMP
    >>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% -- Archive extraction to 'TEMP' folder completed.
    IF NOT EXIST "%mypath%FIXED" MD "%mypath%FIXED"
    isobuster.exe "%mypath%TEMP\%~n1.cue" "/ei:%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.bin" /et:r /ep:oea /ep:owr /c /m /nosplash /nodrives
    >>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% -- Consolidated .bin and new .cue file created sucessfully.
    7za.exe a -t7z "%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.7z" "%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.bin" "%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.cue" -ms -mx7 -mmt
    >>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% -- Recompression to 'FIXED' folder completed.
    echo *******************************************************************************
    echo *******************************************************************************
    echo *******************************************************************************
    echo Sucessfully repackaged %~n1
    echo *******************************************************************************
    echo *******************************************************************************
    echo *******************************************************************************
    >>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% -- Sucessfully repackaged %~n1
    >>Log.txt echo.
    del /Q "%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.bin"
    del /Q "%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.cue"
    rmdir /Q /S "%mypath%TEMP"
    md "%mypath%TEMP"
    if not [%1]==[] goto loop
    echo *******************************************************************************
    echo THE END!!!!
    echo *******************************************************************************
    >>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% -+::SUCESSFULLY COMPLETED EXECUTION ON ALL FILES::+-
    >>Log.txt echo. 
    >>Log.txt echo. 

    I put the files in the attachment of this post.

    You have to install 7zip first. Launch Isobuster.exe, say "not now" for the registration, go to "Options > Images files" and for the option "select when a cue sheet file will be created" select "Never after a CD, DVD or BD image is created". (you will not have to say "ok" pour every game !)

    After that, simply drop your .7z files into the "DROP FILES HERE1.bat" file.

    I hope someone will understand the .bat script and will remove all the useless 7zip parts!!

    WIP - Fix Multi Tracks (Bins PS1).zip

  10. Yeah, I wrote a .bat file (for Windows), with this code inside, to rename my .pbp with the parent folder's name :

    for /d %%a in (*) do (
        if exist "%%~a\*.pbp" ren "%%~a\*.pbp" "%%~a.pbp"

    It woks great!

    No, I really need something to deal the multiple .bin files, but not one by one... :( 

  11. Hi!

    I want to use PSX2PSP to convert all my games to .pbp (compressed format, recognized by RetroArc core Beetle PSX HW), but this software need to have only one .bin by games.
    When a game have more than one .bin, I need to combine them, and I don't want to do it one by one (I have 3000 games).

    I can't find something to batch it... (a friend made me a .bat that do it, but I have no more sound...)

    Thank you very much for your help !

  12. Hi !

    I imported the first sets of roms by putting all French (or European) and USA roms at the same time, and I've got this :Screenshot_63.png.4602d2ca863a737d018de81e6bc92b48.png

    Good !

    For my Playstation and Playstation 2 isos, I first imported USA roms, then I imported the French ones. But they don't appear !

    Screenshot_64.png.7f6139f01dff797e9e57dfbb7758132d.pngSo, my questions:

    1- What can I do?
    2- Another thing : when we click on the "Play" text, can we choose in LaunchBox something like "choose USA first". It always launch European games first.

    Thanks a lot for your help !! :)


    Edit : for my first question, I tried to delete one game and then re-import it with the French and US versions and it works. But I don't want to do this with all my games. :( (If I delete a game, it remove images and my connexion here is very slow) And I don't want ether to edit each game and adding roms with the "Add Application" tab... Did I missed a simple solution ?

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