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1-Bit Wonder

1-Bit Wonder (1/7)



  1. Hmmm i understood, i had some chaos in my mind, also a dummy empty azumanga.zip works, it's just matter of provide the right name in the command line
  2. Does it exist an azumanga.zip, brddown.zip and so on? In the Demul07 complete set i downloaded there was nothing of similar, just the CHDs, so at first i had to set some .bat to make them work cause frontends picked the name of chd instead of the game. Now i found that also renaming chd works. A little confusionary people at demul team or who made the fullset
  3. I've tried and in effect if you rename gdl-0018.chd to azumanga.chd demul is able to launch without doing tricks........ Such a mess they don't rename the chd according to demul request.........
  4. I used these command lines on emulationstation for DEMUL0.7 and they works demul.exe -run=cave3rd -rom=%BASENAME% demul.exe -run=hikaru -rom=%BASENAME% demul.exe -run=awave -rom=%BASENAME% demul.exe -run=gaelco -rom=%BASENAME% demul.exe -run=naomi -rom=%BASENAME% Where %BASENAME% = romname without extension .zip, for atvtrack.zip demul.exe -run=gaelco -rom=atvtrack For Naomi GDrom base i had to use a batch file cause the GDrom file has a different name from game it represent, so unfortunately you have to make a batch file for every game (maybe renaming GDrom image with the game name would work but haven't tried).
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