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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)




Community Answers

  1. Seems like its working again! was probably a hour of maintenance on emumovies side or something.
  2. I've been using launchbox combined with Emumovies for a couple of years now and even yesterday everything was working just fine. But now i can't seem to connect to Emumovies trough launchbox. The site works fine and i can login to that. (found an older thread and changed my password to be simple without weird symbols) But launchbox will not connect and give me the "unable to login to emumovies" error. Im not using a vpn and running the latest version of launchbox. Anybody else experiencing this?
  3. Worked like a charm Teusan! For anybody else with the problem Select the games (or just control + A for everything) Go to Tools - Download Metadata and media - choose the settings like you would normally and voila Its all working perfectly now.. maybe its just an bug that occurs now and then?
  4. I got the same problem. At first i had it with mame.. whenever i would launch a game its playing like normal but when exiting the game the front cover and metadata pictures were gone. But after a while it just fixed itself? But now my neo-geo games are having the same issue, it doens't matter what game you run all of them get deleted(or not shown) when quitting a game. I'm using retroarch and tried some other gaming platforms but they keep all the images. Its just Neo-geo on Retroarch at the moment. Also didn't move or delete some files. Its not the worst problem... but its annoying
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