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Everything posted by Super_Paulie

  1. great i'll try that after my lunch! See attached for current update. A ROM without a marquee (uses Clear Logo instead and currently the clearLogo again behind but faded) and a ROM with a marquee file.
  2. that worked! So now it shows a marquee if one is added by myself (disabled from the download options as the defaults are the wrong size/dimension). If the marquee is empty it shows the clear logo in its place, this works absolutely perfectly, thanks a bunch guys! Can anyone tell me how to reference a file directly, i have been struggling with that one. Say the file is located in "C:\Launchbox\Images" and called image.png. I have tried to reference it directly like "C:\Launchbox\Images\image.png" but no dice. Any thoughts on this one? Sorry guys, im not great at coding so i have been struggling on a bit blind here. In the below example it works but there "XX" is i would like a static image that i can produce. The below results in EITHER ClearLogoImagePath or MarqueeImagePath being at ZIndex 0, depending on if that file is present or not. <Grid VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"> <Image Source="XX" Panel.ZIndex="0" Stretch="Fill" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="LowQuality"><Image.Effect><BlurEffectRadius="99"/></Image.Effect></Image> <Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.ClearLogoImagePath}" Stretch="Uniform" Height="455" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" Panel.ZIndex="1"/> <Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.MarqueeImagePath}" Stretch="Uniform" Height="455" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" Panel.ZIndex="2"/> i am close to what i want though! and frankly the above is still acceptable for me but i would prefer to include that static image at ZIndex0 instead of clearLogo/Marquee. Thanks so much guys!
  3. i thought this would work: <Grid> <Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.ClearLogoImagePath}" Stretch="Uniform" Height="440" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" Panel.ZIndex="1"/> <Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.MarqueeImagePath}" Stretch="Uniform" Height="440" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" Panel.ZIndex="2"/> </Grid> but if there is no Marquee set in launchbox then it shows BoxArt in its place instead of "nothing". So the box art is then shown on top of the clear logo. I think im getting closer, but im a bit stuck now...!
  4. hi guys. Right im seriously going to look at this today and hopefully get it sorted. Really sorry for the delay and i really appreciate the responses and its given me a great starting block. Ok, heres where i am at. I can set the below, this then uses the clearLogo as the marquee on the second monitor, with the height of 440 which fits perfectly and its centred and top vertically. <Grid> <Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.ClearLogoImagePath}" Stretch="Uniform" Height="440" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" /> </Grid> Now, i would only want this to show IF there is no actual Marquee file available. Obviously the clearLogo is not an ideal marquee but it would be a perfect fall-back if there isnt an actual Marquee available. See attached for a potential answer, the clearLogo is always present but IF there is a marquee file then that simply places on top of the clear logo. If there is no marquee then it doesnt show so the first thing you see is the clearLogo underneath. I hope that makes sense. Anyone any clues on how that would be possible?
  5. Now it's the end of term I'm ready to get this sorted. Retro, thanks for this,I will give this a go tomorrow. Going through the code above, I can follow it but where is the part that pushes the clear logo into it, or is that elsewhere? I will try tomorrow when I get in. The cabinet was used at a degree show with the students own game running that she built in unity, but the rest of the time it'll be decked out in retro artwork and theme.
  6. Hi guys. Well it's 10 months later! I had to leave this project due to work commitments but I'm back on it now. Someone asked for a few updates pics so hopefully these are of interest. I will get back to my big box as soon as the cabinet is finished and I'll ask questions if I get stuck! Thanks guys, I hope you find the below of interest. We have built everything for zero cost so far out of scrap material, that was the plan. Only thing we need to buy is the joysticks.
  7. thanks guys, thats really helpful. A shame the functionality doesn't exist yet, i think i will use the batch method that you suggested. Or at least i'll try to! i have attached a build photo where we are currently at.
  8. hi. Yes, sorry i meant to say some that dont have box art it just stays blank and even if it was box art thats no good for the setup really. I will just create a generic marquee and have to upload it to each Roms profile through launchbox i guess! Sure i will add more images if anyone is interested!
  9. hi Retro. Yeah that is what happens, it defaults the marquee image to the box art image, however this is no good for my setup as the file is a specific size/orientation to suit the second monitor display as the image needs to be at the top. I have attached an image to explain that a bit better. I mean i could create a default, generic marquee for games that dont have the art but if i have to upload that to very Rom in the library that would take some time! If there is no art at all it does default to a black screen, so there must be some control for it somewhere i think... Thanks for the suggestion though.
  10. hi guys. I am in the process of building a cabinet for my students to play on, but i am a bit stuck with the Big Box marquee. I can create custom marquees for each rom or platform, no problem there, but what about a 'default' marquee for Roms that dont have a marquee image associated with them? in this instance the marquee just remains blank while you are playing. Does anyone know where to place/if its possible to create a marquee that shows for these roms? just a default one. I hope that makes sense! I have attached 2 images of my work in progress! the marquee displays on the secondary screen at the top. Hopefully someone can help!
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