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Posts posted by nietzsche666

  1. " Im assuming you get the run as admin prompt when the script launches. ´"

    Actually no, I don't get any prompt you are talking about. Maybe my Win10 is set up differently, I played around with the settings a lot since I installed it some years ago. The only problem at MY system with the admin-set compiled script is that it doesn't execute the hotkey commands without minimizing/leaving the game screen.


    I'll have a look at the WinCDEmu method this weekend and write about the experiences later here in the thread..

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  2. If I set the compiled script to admin, it does react to the hotkey whilst in game! What happens now: The game gets minimized for the dtagent execution, sometimes it re-maximizes itself or it stays minimized. But the admin setting definitely makes the hotkey work within the game. If I could bring it to just "flicker" whle changing disk without leaving game screen, I'd be fine with the AHK script.


    I'll test your new script tomorrow, when I got some minutes to spare again.  (Thanks for taking the time, much appreciated).


    EDIT: Same goes for your pic.png "test". If the compiled script is set to admin, game minimizes and the pic gets opened. WIthout admin settings, it doesn't react within game environment.

  3. I actually set up my own AHK script by now for permanent Iso swap option as I described above, using numpad - "-" for Disc 1 and numpad -"*" for Disc 2. Of course, I had to write another batch file for mounting Disc 1. It works beautifully, if I could just figure out how to make my PC react to the hotkeys whilst in game environment:



    #SingleInstance, Force
    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    DetectHiddenWindows, On
    SetTimer, ProcessCheckTimer, 3000
    Process, Exist, necrono.exe
    pid1 := ErrorLevel
    If (!pid1)

    NumpadSub:: Goto MountCD1

    Keywait, NumpadSub
    Run "D:\TORRENTDOWN II\Necronomicon\mountcd1.bat",,Hide

    NumpadMult:: Goto MountCD2

    Keywait, NumpadMult
    Run "D:\TORRENTDOWN II\Necronomicon\mountcd2.bat",,Hide



  4. Tried the new script and the "start automatically before" add. app setting, but it didn't really change anything about the problem described. The "*" - Numpad key is working fine. I can see it closing the autohotkey icon in my taskbar. But I still have to get back to windows environment for it to work. When I press "*" while in game, nothing happens and the icon is still there afterwards. Changing the hotkey to Ctrl didn't have an effect on this either.


    The AHK script does work. It sets up "*" to start the batch file just fine. But the hotkey gets ignored as long as I'm within game environment.



  5. So, I finally got around at trying this. So far, it doesn't yet work exactly as it should. Some basic things already work quite well, though:

    My compiled autohotkey-script "NecroMount2.exe" gets started automatically as additional app with the game from launchbox and can be seen running in my taskbar while the game is active and I change to Windows screen.

    It ceases to be active after executing MOUNTCD2BAT, as expected. Pressing "*" starts the MOUNTCDBAT.lnk command, as wished. MOUNTCDBAT.lnk can be started minimized and generally changes CD1 to CD2 when I start it from desktop.

    Right now, I can't execute it when the game is active as the MOUNTCD2BAT gives me "close running instances of virtual drives" errors. But I think this should cease when I'm at a point in the game when it wants me to swap isos. I'm not quite there, yet, though.

    BUT, right now pressing the "*" key only works if I get out of the game screen to the desktop. As long as I'm in game environment, "*" gets ignored. This way, setting the hotkey isn't that much easier, if I have to alt-tab myself out of the game, it would be just as easy to start the old additional app from launchbox and alt-tab my way back. Hmm, is there a modification of the AHK-scrip possible that makes the hotkey active with the game screen running as active surface?


    When I think about it, for these old WIndows games cases, setting up several hotkeys for each iso could be useful, AFAIR there is also "EVIL DEAD - HAIL TO THE KING" that needs to be run from isos  (i.e. doesn't have a complete harddisk install option). I think you had to change to CD2 and again back to CD1 later in the game. So it would be even better if AHK stays active as long as the game is running and gets setup with two action keys, say "*" for Disk 2 and "-" (Keypad) for re-changing to Disk 1.





  6. Thanks a lot for the reply.

    "Mount CD2" is just my name for the Launchbox-internal additional app feature for mounting the second iso file of that game. It is set up with DTAgent and this command line: -mount dt, "D:\Necronomicon\NEC_AL_2.ccd" right now. And, as I said before, I'd like to start that one with a custom hotkey.


     I'll try your method later tonight or tomorrow. Very nice of you, thanks again!

  7. I'm looking for a completely easy way to swap isos for certain old windows games within launchbox. (So no emulator involved here).

    As an example, I did a setup of a (flawed) old adventure game called "Necronomicon" as Windows game in Launchbox.

    I programmed Launchbox to start that game automatically with CD1 mounted (DaemonTools Lite). I added a further additional app

    for "Mount CD2" in Launchbox's game entry. When the game wants me to swap the iso file, I can get back to Launchbox environment and start my "Mount CD2" add. app.

    This works perfectly well so far.

    But it would be even easier still, if I could just program Launchbox to start my "Mount CD2" additional app without even leaving the game screen by using a hotkey, say the "*" - key from the numpad.


    Is this possible right now at the moment, maybe by setting up an autohotkey-script?

  8. Thanks a lot for the reply. Yes, I was thinking of using the additional apps feature in Launchbox for easy usage of PC windows games. Usage I have in mind is a) for automatic xpadder -profile launch and quit after game quit and b) automatic iso mount and unmount through DTlite.


    As I understand it so far, I should use additional apps feature for this, adding Xpadder commands, one for run before, the other for run after application. It was explained very well here in the forum in the Script Xpadder / NoMousy-Thread, I'll try to follow those steps. I know I have to setup a profile seperately from within Xpadder before, it's just about making it start automatically within LB,


    Just the same I would use DT-Lite & mount/unmount command line parameters to run before and after application with a specific iso.


    Now for swapping iso-files within Windows games: You say I can just use alt-tab within the game and it will take me to launchbox settings, where I can launch other isos as further additional apps? This would be just perfect, exactly what I had in mind. I'll have to test that tonight on my Launchbox install on my other pc.

  9. Sorry for re-opening this, but I have a noob question for simple older windows games. I want to try to make Launchbox launch all of them completely easily by clicking on the cover in the frontend with none of any secondary crap to have to think about: automatic xpadder settings, automatic image/iso settings through daemon tools etc. I think I already have a clue how to use additional apps to do this. But if an old PC game wants me to swap isos, unable to read it off another letter pre-set up DTlite image virtual drive, what can I do? Maybe I can get back to Windows by Windows key and manually swap DTlite to the next iso. But I'm not sure whether this works in any case or may break the game in some cases. For the few games that should pose this problem, there aren't proper NoCD-patches around. They are made to pull data from multiple CDs in any case.

    Sorry if I'm ignoring anything obvious here, as I said: still a noob to LB and I haven't been able to practically test this theoretical usage yet, have to wait till I get back to my launchbox set-up PC tomorrow to test how this all works up.    

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