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HankChill's Achievements

4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. Oh I know, I wasn't debating anything you were saying at all - I was just providing that tidbit of information to the others on the forum as to why you have to be online to get the achievement list I looked at the achievement unlocking code for RetroArch and it does exactly as jayjay tried. It will continually attempt to send the achievement unlocking message, but only while the current RetroArch session is running, so if you exit before a connection is established to send queued messages you will lose the achievement. But I digress, we should use this thread to chat about the LaunchBox beta?
  2. I can't speak for the RetroAchievements emulators, but it doesn't work that way with RetroArch. Being offline means no earning achievements, at all. The achievement list and what you've unlocked is loaded at rom-loading time, so being offline will simply show no achievements as it cannot log in. Also from how I understand the way the RA API's work, when the address and value gets triggered, it has to be sent to their server which will mark the achievement as unlocked, and respond back to the client (the emulator) that the achievement has been flagged as unlocked. Being offline means that this process cannot happen, so achievements cannot be flagged as unlocked on your account, even after the achievement list has already been loaded prior to going offline. RetroArch definitely doesn't cache them for sending to the server later. It's not as sophisticated as other online services such as Xbox Live or PSN Again, I can't speak for the RA emulators because I don't use them, so I don't know if they cache your achievement progress for further processing once back online, but I know for sure RetroArch doesn't. Also achievements aren't baked right into the games - you definitely need a connection to be able to at least retrieve the achievement listing.
  3. Yes, you must be online to be able to unlock achievements. Launchbox is simply retrieving the achievements you've already unlocked. To earn the achievements, you have to use either the RetroAchievements own emulators, or within RetroArch using a core that supports achievement unlocking for your specified platform. If you're offline, either of these applications cannot communicate with RetroAchievements, and therefore cannot know what you've already unlocked, and cannot send the message to the RA servers that you've unlocked an achievement. tl;dr You gotta be online to unlock achievements with your favourite compatible emulator
  4. Thanks for the response I attached a mockup of what I was referring to in regards to displaying the game as complete in the game list. Of course low on the priority list, but I'm glad you're open to suggestions! --Henry
  5. Hi Jason, Long time lurker, first time poster Loving the RetroAchievements integration so far. Been waiting for that feature for a while, nice to see it finally coming to fruition. I'm huge into achievements in my games, so I'm excited that developments are being made there! However, my post is related to a bug in Big Box mode. If you select a platform and then a game, where it shows the menu to play, launch with, etc etc above that is a clear logo for the game you selected. If you go back and select another game, the clear logo will still show that of the previous game you chose. It will keep displaying the same image until you back out of the current platform, and reselect it or select a new platform. I do also have a small feature request: in Big Box mode, can we get an option to mark a game as Completed, and in the game list show an indicator such as a checkmark or something beside the game name to indicate it's been completed? The only way to mark a game as complete right now is not very intuitive and to see whether a game is complete or not requires selecting the game to see the details and seeing the completed mark beside the ESRB rating. Seeing as how I use Launchbox exclusively in Big Box mode as well, this would really help Thanks for listening! --Henry
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