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Everything posted by oilersman

  1. No, I dloaded a full Rom set with Mame. I've configured lb to use that emulator and Roms. That's what I meant by the version in launchbox. I meant I installed it. My issue was it just doesn't output the video like a diff version of Mame. I don't use the other version because it doesn't play most of the Roms I have configured in LB.
  2. Oh yes, sorry. I know, I meant the one version in launchbox came with a full working set of Roms. I did pick that version of course. I'm just trying to get lb to work better as I would like to try the premium version. I think I need to find a way to change the screen resolution within that version. Thx for you help though.
  3. Oh ya, the top one is the one that's looks the greatest and is in maximus arcade with a diff version of Mame.
  4. Hi. Ok, looks like I need to change the screen resolution within the version of Mame in launchbox which is diff than the version of Mame in the other front end. Really difficult to get into the Mame in launchbox. 2 pics (sorry screenshot on phone) Hard to see differences here but on my arcade its major. Ha ha
  5. hi, so when i play games in a whole other front end like maximus, my game visual experience looks great. When i am in launchbox i get a total diff view of my games. almost looks cartoonish, just no quality, and it does play full screen. Is there some way to fix this?
  6. Ok can anyone help? Ive tried a small sample test with 5 zips for one game and in romcenter and it plays 100% with the emulator there. yet in LB it wont. Im positive ive entered all parameters.
  7. I've tried right click and edit and it seems the new emulator controls every other Rom. I'll try again later. Thx
  8. Thanks for your assistance. I've been working in LB and see that it may not be possible to have a list of Mame Roms and have more than one emulator. I thought there might be a way to edit one individual game and choose a different version of Mame to run it. I'm thinking a whole diff Rom set is the way to go. I'll go study up more with your guides and info. Thanks so much.
  9. No darn clue but a small handfull from the romset works great with Mame 0173 , so i'm guessing that is what the romset is. If so, wonder why sooooo many of the roms wont work. Must be a mix and match?
  10. Ok thanks, i will try my version of mame in launchbox with my set of roms. They use to work a couple of years ago with maximus arcade but not sure why they dont anymore. I remember once using rom center but that wont load in my pc anymore.
  11. HI guys, been awhile since ive played some ol mame games. Really need help here, where do i start? I have a couple hundred mame roms and of course none can be played in launchbox. I do have a 20' screen in the mancave so i was hoping if this works i can go on to BigBox. But anyway, is there a rom set complete with a working mame EMU that i can find or even buy? Just dont have the time to fiddle so much. Just wondering if anyone can help me here? Thanks.
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