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Everything posted by gibbagabbagoo

  1. Indeed! An updated version of this theme would be sweet. Cheers, my friend! Thanks for the reply. The former works, but it shows the actual game's banner and not the platform. While ActivePlatform does seem like the correct one to use, it doesn't work for some reason. Not sure if ActivePlatform is somehow only effective on the default theme. Also, it doesn't make sense that the original line uses ActiveGame.PlatformClearLogoImagePath when that's not even listed in the Documentation.pdf.
  2. It's really the only theme I like using since forever now haha. Thanks for trying to help, but I actually found out where to change it. For this theme, the file to modify is CoverFlowWithDetailsGamesView.xaml since I'm using this view. I found that I need to change this line: <!-- PLATFORM LOGO --> <Image x:Name="PlatformLogo" Source="{Binding Path=ActiveGame.PlatformClearLogoImagePath}" Grid.Column="2" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" /> I need to figure out how to change PlatformClearLogoImagePath to somehow point it to the banner location, or use a banner image directly instead. Hoping someone knows how.
  3. Hey guys. Had a question about CityHunter 2 theme. In the game list lower right corner, can someone please tell me if I can change the clear logo to either remove or show the banner instead? In the attached image, this would be the clear logo that says "Arcade." Thanks!
  4. Hey guys. I recall BigBox would always play the startup video upon launch. Now, it only plays when you first launch BigBox, and skips it every time after when you relaunch. The only way for the startup video to reappear is if I reboot Windows 11. Anyway to have the startup play every time I launch BigBox like before? Thanks.
  5. Okay, I think I got it to work. But I mistakenly did two things without determining if that was the problem. But anyways, A. I first installed K-Lite Codec Pack (their "Mega" installer, and "Advanced" profile). With the CriticalZoneV2 theme, background videos did not work using WMP or VLC. B. For some reason I had remembered that under Windows 10, Apps & Features > Programs And Features > "Turn Windows features on or off" I had disabled Media Features which houses the native WMP. Not sure why I did this, but I re-enabled it. Back into BigBox, the videos now play using VLC Not sure if the latter was directly related to this issue, or if K-Lite solved something, but it seems to be working fine now. Sigh, want to apologize for taking up your guy's time with what probably is my blunder. Thanks so very much again for the help, all!
  6. I'm using latest version, 7.11. And yep, just tried using WMP. Just a black background when I do that. It doesn't make sense that when I place the background videos inside the Platform folder it'll play, but not when I place it inside the Default folder in Backgrounds. Almost like something is giving priority to the actual console platform videos instead rather than your background videos.
  7. Confirmed that the Background videos are inside the Default folder by itself, no sub-folders. Not sure what I'm doing wrong as I've fresh installed LaunchBox a few times already. But thanks a ton for the help!
  8. Also, here are some screens of some of my settings.
  9. I was before, until I went into LaunchBox and did the "Download Platform/Playlist Theme Videos..." Now, at least the two platforms I currently have (Sega, NES) show their default videos. Only when I place your videos under "D:\Games\LaunchBox\Themes\CityHunter 2 - Video\Videos\Platforms" is when it plays, but of course it continues to switch videos everytime I jump to a new platform.
  10. Hi keltoigael! Testing things out, I have your "Flash Back 2012 - Scanlines" video in this folder structure, D:\Games\LaunchBox\Themes\CityHunter 2 - Video\Videos\Backgrounds\Default\ But there is already the default "CityHunter 2" video in there, but I don't get why even that one isn't playing.
  11. No worries, man!
  12. Yep, tried that. Set Switch Views to K and cycled through. Nothing.
  13. Hey guys! I'm having some troubles playing the background videos for the City Hunter 2 theme. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I followed the Youtube video, "How To Make Your LaunchBox Look like Ours - Feature Specific LaunchBox Tutorial." I created folders for Sega Genesis and Nintendo Entertainment System inside "LaunchBox\Themes\CityHunter 2 - Video\Videos\Backgrounds\Platforms" and placed the videos in their respective folders, but nothing plays when I launch BigBox. I've even tried putting JUST the .MP4 files inside the Default folder and these are just the background videos for the theme, not my own. In BigBox, I've ensured that VLC is selected and the first three boxes are checked under Videos options and have switched through all views. However, when I place the videos into the "LaunchBox\Themes\CityHunter 2 - Video\Videos\Platforms" folder they play just fine, but of course, it always starts a new video when a new Platform is selected. What am I doing wrong here? Apologies, as I know I'm making a dumb mistake right now. Thanks a ton.
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