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Everything posted by Biyakuga

  1. Should I use. Ico or png? Moreover after a new update the old icon come back that what I meant by "forever"
  2. Yes this is it ! thank a lot if you could please remove the blue background, add .ico file so I can put it as an icon and do you have a different icon for the big picture mode ? and 1 more question do you know any trick to make it last for ever and do not get removed after the program get a new update ?
  3. Ok I will (thank you) and yes I know but I can not change the icons inside the program and if I remember right after a new update I need to change the icon again
  4. Could you tell me some of the important feature that you guys waiting for ? and I never post in the forum because there was no need to but after I moved to Windows 10 I wanted launchbox icon to match my other modern icons on my taskbar
  5. what is my post count have to do for the subject ? I just want a modern icons at least and it is something not that hard to do come on you really think this icon is modern and describe what launchbox is for ? look here (colors make a big change): https://www.google.co.il/search?q=launchbox&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJncqQnK3XAhWHIewKHRTlB9sQ_AUICigB&biw=1886&bih=921#imgdii=yG4G04fgo2_rMM:&imgrc=4TIfAn8zhDsEOM: or https://www.google.co.il/search?q=launchbox&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJncqQnK3XAhWHIewKHRTlB9sQ_AUICigB&biw=1886&bih=921#imgrc=4TIfAn8zhDsEOM:
  6. Better Icons and modern UX/UI
  7. No at least for me
  8. Dear Developers, I think it is time to update icons for this great product you have including LaunchBox icon itself , any software gets icons update by time for a modern and more flat icons and UI/UX enhancement to match the standard (Windows 10/ Material Design and such on...) I know some people think this kind of stuff are worthless and new features are more important but be sure that this is not true and this kind of improvement should not be neglect and have to be done as soon as possible in my opinion Thanks and hope you will read it and take care of it.
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