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Everything posted by samgrant78

  1. Hi sussed it. I needed to set retroarch to borderless fullscreen. I had it set to exclusive fullscreen because the N64 emulator was messing up but ive sorted that too. Thanks
  2. Im starting some games that use retroarch e.g. genesis games. When I load them the screen display is handshaking and in some games it misses the sega logo. Is there a way to delay the start in retroarch or launchbox by a second. The gamestartup options dont help.
  3. thanks. sorry for the noob question.
  4. Im using a sinden gun so cant obviously trigger the button 7,button8 (select and start) combo to exit games. Is there a script I can use to exit the model 2 emulator where im using the gun as when I push escape key it doesnt close the emu but pushes it to windowed mode or fullscreen. Any help appreciated.
  5. Thanks. That did the trick and saved me some grief.
  6. Any way to change the Mame roms already imported to prioritise World Region as its not playing preview videos because of this.
  7. Why does this keep searching for new games and taking ages to display the covers that were there on the last boot. I havent added a rom for ages. Is there a way to reset all this so it does it properly.
  8. This error is happening with older versions of Mame. Its annoying as 0.160 is a very rounded version and I imported 1000s of games against it. I have now decided to go the route of updating mame to 209 and have started that process.
  9. Yes. I'm running two versions of mame including the newer one and this only happens with the old one. Ive found out I can take the command but im forceably being prompted every time I edit the emulator settings.
  10. mame64.exe -keyboardprovider dinput File Since this command has been put into Mame as a default command parameter nothing is running anymore. Im running Mame version 0.160 Am I right that this means the command is not recognised in this version of mame.
  11. Something is forcing it to redo the CACHE and when I look at the file it updates the file with a new timestamp each time that I open launchbox.
  12. This is still doing it again. I made no changes to any Roms / Emulators. No deletions or new artwork. Yet the green bar is at the top taking a long time and the images are refreshing.
  13. This is working fine but keeps writing a config file to the root of the hard drive. I've told the emu in the front end to use the following folder. It works this way in mess and mess ui but not in launchbox. # CORE OUTPUT DIRECTORY OPTIONS # cfg_directory D:\messui197_64bit\cfg
  14. Hi. It seems to keep needing to redo the process when I reboot the PC. Is there anything else Im missing.
  15. Hi Everything is going well with Launchbox except it seems to take a long time each time on the playlists to display the covers / flyers for games. A green bar goes along the top. Is there any way it can Cache these for quicker access. I do appreciate I have 7000+ games. Thanks Sam.
  16. Hi. Im using Raine for Neo geo CD. Working fine except after loading the game is instantly going into the GUI and i have to cancel. Any way around that.
  17. Hi. I managed to get it working by looking at the XML playlist and making a change.
  18. Ok will try that later. Thanks again for you help. Sorry for noob questions.
  19. Hi. I've now created a playlist named Sega Model 3 and associated it with the arcade platform. I tested adding a couple of model 3 games to it but it isn't showing it under the platform category arcade.
  20. Thanks. That worked a treat. Will proceed to do that with the Naomi games now etc.
  21. Hi, Ive imported all of my model 3 roms and they all work fine with supermodel in emulauncher. Is there any way that I can add them to the playlist of Arcade as they are on Sega model 3 and I cant seem to find a way to change it. Sam
  22. will try that later. Thanks. Everything else is going really well with it.
  23. Hi. What it is, is I have it set through automation on launchbox. Hold button 7 and the press 8 exits a game and shuts down the emulator back to the front end. With bigbox it seems to keep the emulator open and go back to the menu but the emu is still open.
  24. When I do this in launchbox Ive set the combination keys on a 360 pad and it works fine. This doesn't seem to have come through to bigbox mode. When I repeated the steps in bigbox it takes me back to the menu and the emu still runs in the background.
  25. In the end I sorted it by specifying the file path more clearly in the directories file. All's good now. Will definately consider the change to command line after these hassles. Thanks for advice.
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