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  1. Started based off a pic I saw online customized to my dimensions Started with a Raspberry Pi 3, but intel updated me with an I7 NuC skull Canyon, 32GB Ram, 1TB SSD. 50" monitor, roller ball, Happ controls buttons. Was running hyperspin up till a few weeks ago. VERY happy with the conversion to BigBox.
  2. Thanks C-beats.
  3. Never mind. figured it out "skip game details"
  4. What option do i use to turn off this menu on the right when starting a game. When i hit enter on a game i want it to just load and skip this menu.
  5. thepro8

    Vjoy + Ipac +U360

    Unfortuantely i don't think this will work for me. Could use some help if you guys are up to it.
  6. thepro8

    Vjoy + Ipac +U360

    Worth a try. I can use a translator program.
  7. thepro8

    Vjoy + Ipac +U360

    @Fablog, would you mind posting a screen shot of your setup? I think it will help me.
  8. thepro8

    Vjoy + Ipac +U360

    @neohusky and @Fablog HI All, i've been struggling with this same issue for months and could use some help. Hopefully you're still around. My setup: 2 Ultimarc Servosticks connected via ipac ultimate io. I was able to get the i-pac ultimate to finally show up as a game controller in Windows 10, but it on shows up as 1 device. I ran VJOy and it looks like it's configured correctly, but doesn't show up in the game controllers in windows. So how do i get to a final solution? I know i need to the 2 virtual controllers to show up, thoughts on how to do that?
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