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If it’s not working clear out the path in launchbox and set the path manually in mame like he said. Don’t forget once you change the config in mame you need to save it.
I think u just need to add the second location of the chds to the rom folder location. So for example d:/games,e:/chd jjst a guess and im not sure what to use for multiple folders either a , or ; i would think. Try both.
Thank you!! This worked perfectly. I did edit the emulator and I noticed that rom path, but i wasn't sure if it was taking the one set in MAME or the one I set initially when I chose to leave the roms where they were. Thank you for the help. It works just as it should now!
sLpFhaWK started following Question about Mame Rom Location, and CHD locations.
Hello, this is probably going to be easy because I shouldn't be having these issues, but here I am. I have a Mame Rom set .257 which I think is the latest but the rom set is Split. I have CHD's but that download said it was merged. So now here is a weird issue. LEt's take Area 51 for example. I Try to load it in launch box and it won't load it just goes back to the list when it ry to open it. but because i've configured MAME with the proper folders under roms to include both the rom path and chd path the games launch when im in mame itself. how do i fix this error in LB? should I just copy the CHD folders to the ROM folder and call it a day? I'd prefer to keep them separate as the CHD's never change from version to version.
I didn't name any of the roms, and surely i can't see 3 of the 7 systems i have testing the random games i did would match. can you give me a location of where the bezels would be, so that i can compare and try testing one if i rename it, but wouldn't the config have to be edited as well? and i didn't look over the github but would they have a recommendation on which "romset" to use with proper naming? No, I know that is what the thread is for, and i even mentioned that in my post but since it was sort of related and albeit the wrong place I figured I would ask just incase someone else did have an issue that had it resolved.
Sorry, I couldnt quote the post on mobile so you might not've seen my reply, but I am running all the retro systems in retroarch. and only mame games on mame. NDS, SEGA CD and GBA aren't working for retro. I will look into that, thank you. edit to add: So I searched, and I see a tool to convert make bezels to retroarch, but thats not what I am trying to do, the tool si https://cosmo0.github.io/mame-retroarch-bezel-converter/ is that what you ment?
Every console is retroarch. Only arcade games are on mame. I’m going to get more light gun games eventually like house if the dead other time crisis on Saturn and psx but I wanna get what I have working first. All games launch and play correctly it’s just the bezels aren’t showing. All Roms are in 1 folder broken out into system’s
So I got launch box installed and I have been using the Bezel Project to get bezels for all the systems, so far I have NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, NDS, and Sega CD and MAME, all work but Sega CD, GBA, NDS and MAME. I've done all the same thing to get the others working, and just by looking at the config I have no idea what to do to get them to work. Is it crucial, no, but I do like seeing the bezels. The issue with MAME is there is so many different packs to get, and I don't know what games are which pack, i tried to get them all but one pack failed and it totally aborted the process. I will try again but if it happens then I don't know what more to do, I know this isn't the place for it, but I figured there might be people who are familiar or had a similar issue. I don't really wanna start a new topic for this since it's not launchbox related, but seeing one of the MAME packs aren't working I thought that might be ok here. Lastly I have an Ultimarc IPAC ultimate board. I have it setup to be default MAME setup, so Player 1 is up down left right ctrl alt shift space z and x, but I noticed retroarch uses a different config. Would it make more sense to swap RetroArch to mame's config, or mame to retroarch? I'd like them to be the same on everything I use just to make it easier to remember. Thanks!
yah i understand, but i didn't think it would be almost 2x the space but in reality it makes sense. but pulling out the games i want will be nice, now 1 more question. i see that they have these XML files for the different sets, how would i be able to view them properly to see what game is what zip, thats what those are for right?
lol jeez the unmerged set is 50gb more than the split set.
ugh, of course it is that way. lol looks like i'll have to download yet ANOTHER torrent for this damn romset thanks for the answer Neil. again super quick on the reply.
Hello there. I have some questions regarding Mame and launchbox, but more specifically MAME it's self. I have a full split, merged and CHD's for romset .242 but I do not want every single game in the romset, so I am trying to single out games I want, mostly lightgun games, fighters, shooters etc. There is like 29xx games and I only want a fraction of these. I'll import the fullset into Mame using the import full romset feature in launchbox it'll give me the name of the file for the game I wish to play, but the problem is the file I am looking for isn't in the folder. So now like I've said, I downloaded a Merged set as well as a split set thinking the file was merged with its clones as well as the bios and anything else needed to run the game minus the CHD, but even with the split romset i cannot find the file launchbox says the game is. For example, Big Buck Hunter is a light gun game, it says it's bbh.zip but there is no bbh.zip in either merged, or split rom set. the CHD folder is bbh so thats easy to find. I Wrote down a list of 20ish games I want from the light gun catergory but all of them reference a zip file that i cannot find. So my question is how do I determine which files i need for the games i want? the overview panel on launchbox I thought would provide me the info I need, but sadly it led me astray unless I am just reading it wrong. I am going to ask this on reddit as well, but i figured i'd ask here as well. Thank you.
Hello there, I've been using Launchbox for a little over a month but i've only ever used it with an xinput xbox controller. I've recently picked up an arcade cabinet and it works with the controller board I have purchased, but it's going to be replaced this week using an Ultimarc Ipac Ultimate IO board. The software used for it is really powerful, and it lets you remap buttons to keystrokes, mouse buttons and even xinput but the tutorial i've watched on it that it works best using keystrokes. So my question is can you navigate big box using key strokes, for example W,A,S,D for up, left, right, down etc? or can you remap the keys in the software? I honestly haven't looked as I'm working so I'm not able too at the moment but it you can that'll be great, but that leads to my next question. So if I can configure big box to use WASD to move cardinal directions and my buttons used for ABXYLR when I add an emulator, say retroarch will it auto configure that emulator to my launch box key configs? if so that will be awesome, especially if it works with mame too. If not that config will be long and painful. i think that pretty much sums up my questions, so thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully someone with some knowledge can hit me with it!