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Everything posted by XXjoker916XX

  1. Is there a way to restart from the beginning? I messed up somewhere and have nothing but nintendo on my screen and I can't access it with my built in controller right Trying to install retroarch ?
  2. Thanks for the help. I am so use to Android and only use windows for work and to transfer files and download files so I was really flying blind on this and felt retarded because I have had windows software in my homes since I was in the 6th grade 1991
  3. Thank you. I will see if I can follow your instructions
  4. I need a complete nood idiot guide to install , add my license, install retroarch . I already paid for everything and the videos are old . Please a step by step with pics or a video would be nice but could still use the step by step in a list. Please anyone this would be greatlyappreciated.
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