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Everything posted by sirgubster9

  1. Is there a way to have a currently running app close when you start up a game and then start back up when you close that game? I just asked this in a reply in the forum but realized that I had hit reply in the wrong one sorry.
  2. Awesome! Thank you. I will give that a try. Super appreciate it good people
  3. Option b works for semicolon but not for : if you just put the 3 colons like that in a row it doesn't register. I can try option a, but I don't think you can have 3 colons in a row like that.
  4. example b::t i would like to do this but have it be semicolon::colon got semi colon to show up by doing a `; but that doesn't work for colon. HELP
  5. your way of doing things totally worked as well, and now I have two options for future endevaors. I had no clue that the window name for the game actually mattered. thank you!!! I just used your window thing on the next one and I think I finally kind of know what im doing espeically with copying and pasting your guys stuff ha ha thanks again. oh the only thing i dont understand is where this came from: "UnityWndClass" what is that?
  6. works beautifully!!! This is awesome. I had no idea the window thing mattered, I did kind of see it happening and thats why i changed the control send window names, but i didnt put two and two together. Just using exe's names does seem easier.
  7. Oh OK that makes sense. For my previous script the ahk file was call paw_patrol.ahk and the exe was called paw_patrol.exe. And in this new setup my ahk is called mashed_game.ahk and the exe file is called mashed_game.exe. I don't know what the class unity wind class thing is I just copied it from the previous script. The game file was paw_patrol.exe from the last one and the new game file is mashed.exe.
  8. sadly didnt fix the issue. The AHK file still stays open. What am I missing here? I thought ESC would kill it no?
  9. is there any reason why this script wouldnt close like the other one you created for me, I basically just took yours copied and pasted and added in one extra line. This one doesnt close when i close the game using ESC or using the exit to windows option on the game, what am I missing? #NoEnv #SingleInstance SetTitleMatchMode, 3 SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% WinWait, Select Controllers WinActivate Sleep, 500 ControlSend, Button3, {Enter}, Select Controllers Sleep, 500 ControlSend, Button3, {Enter}, Select Video Mode WinWait, Mashed Game ahk_class UnityWndClass WinWaitClose ExitApp q::x w::y e::b $Esc:: { Send !{F4} }
  10. exactly what I was loooking for!!!! thank you, just didnt know where to put it if I was going to combine them. thank you
  11. I was thinking maybe it's because I'm running to different ahk, but I don't know how to combine them. In the past when I have had one key convert to a different key it's been per emulator and I've been able to add it to that auto generated closing script that you guys build into launchbox, since this isn't an emulator. I'm at a loss.
  12. worked amazingly!!!! thank you so much. follow up question I wanted to also add an additional script where certain keys rgister as other keys like this? q::x w::y e::b esc::exitapp so I did that but now whenever I press esc to exit the game that hotkey keeps on running, what am I doing wrong?
  13. So I was just about to give you a step by step of what I did even though I feel like it's crazy simple and super standard ha ha but then I thought well let's try it and take some screen shots along the way just for kicks. And worked totally fine!!!! Only thing I can think of is I did an individual game where you go in and edit it and stuff individually and then after that I tried the whole group again... Maybe that got it out of its funk... Also I restarted it like 2 more times but I had already restarted it once before. Oh and then I also checked the box that said find local stuff or whatever it is in that very first window. I specifically unchecked it the previous times. Maybe this will help out the discord guy but seriously no clue why any of it happened. Just happy it's working. Thanks for the impressive response time though guys.
  14. I recently realized that my hard drive was much smaller than I thought so to save space instead of having all the pics and videos I would have a very limited amount. I thought the quickest way to do this would be to delete my images folder and my videos folder. That was probably a bad idea. Now Every time I try and get media it will only download the stuff from emu movies. It won't download anything from launchbox. It acts like it's going to and pretends that it did but nothing actually downloads. Any help?
  15. Dude this is amazing! Thank you so much and super thank you for the bonus option because that is exactly what I would want to do I just didn't think of it... Wow seriously thanks. I'll let you know once and if I'm successful!
  16. Paw patrol on a roll ha ha. For my son, and my wife just played it and said it was perfect for her too ha ha
  17. Wowzers! OK way past my skill level, but you laid it out super well. Thank you so much. I'll get started on this and come back with questions. While I'm here now the game only exits with alt f4 as far as I can find. Is there a way to add that in somehow as well. Right now all my other games end with esc which I have set to a button.
  18. so sadly option 1 and 2 are a no go. Any idea how to do number 3?
  19. Thank you. I will look into the top two options. I'm hoping number 2 pans out because I have no clue how to do number 3 and I'm pretty sure number 1 doesn't exist for this game.
  20. Have a few PC games that when you double click on the exe it brings up like a setup menu where you select resolution and controller and settings and what not, then there is a run button that you press and bam the game is going, anyway to skip this screen so it just runs the game when you select the exe file?
  21. oh i just realized that there is a quit on the main menu of the game so if its super complicated to come up with a way to have ESC exit the game that's fine, I think most people will see the big EXIT on the menu ha ha
  22. you are unbelievably good at explaining things over text. I super wish I had your skills for dealing with my parents and there computer problems. You saved the day, works perfectly.....but one final question, i realize now that this game doesn't exit when I press ESC. i think its a steam game kind of but do you know of away to be able to exit it with esc? If not thats totally cool im guessing this question has been asked a bunch and I can search around for it. And finally dudeeeeeeeeeeee i am very insulted that you havent heard of windjammers....you need to do me a favor and go and play the greatest game of all time WINDJAMMERS!!!!!!!!!!!! its seems simple on the surface but it is soooooo gosh dang fun, now to play it on an arcade cabinet is the best, but other platforms will do as well i guess. and this is windjammers 2, just came out and ive never really played it so i cant vouch for it yet but since its a sequel to the greatest game ever its got to at least be ok.
  23. attached are screen shots of error. and followed step 1 and everything worked perfectly.
  24. I am running the exe and not the shortcut, dont know why his code was using a shortcut but I changed that. I tried using your code exactly and just got rid of everything else and sadly same results. Well not exactly I obviously pointed it to my stuff. But ya still same issue of error and game closing. oh new idea that you can probably help me with. what if I run the game exe using launchbox normally and then i have additional apps run the other keyboardinput app. and now that I know asterix closes the app is there anyway to have the esc button be esc plus asterix? is there a macro or something that would allow me to do that?
  25. you are a genius and a saint. everything worked perfectly..... almost. Only issue is whenever i run the game on launchbox everything goes according to plan except it gets an error after its been open for say 10 seconds and has to close down? When I run it without launchbox no problems and when i run it through launchbox but not as a AHK no problems so im assuming something to do with that code is causing an issue, any ideas?
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