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Everything posted by knup36

  1. Good call! I think I actually will import a dummy collection of something else and make some playlists and see what happens just in case. Thanks for taking the time! and yes, always backups...preferably two
  2. oh ok thats good to know, if thats the case. The ones I'm worried about ARE the ones that I've hand-curated. So, am I to understand that if you remove a platform, those entries are still contained within the playlist XML files...they will just be pointing to something that doesn't 'exist' anymore in lunchbox. But once I re-do the platform, it SHOULD point back the same entry and 'reconnect'?
  3. I'm sorry if this question has been answered but I didn't see a post about it after searching... I set up my Amiga collection a few years ago, but now that RA supports Amiga I wanted to re-do that collection, but I"m concerned how it will affect my current playlists. I have playlists that reference my current Amiga setup, but after I re-import, I'm concerned those will all either break or be lost completely. Is that not the case? or is there a way to ensure that I don't screw up any of my playlists entries for the Amiga titles.= Thank you!
  4. Hey all! Noob question here... I’d like to re-import and reorganize my entire mame/arcade set up. If I delete my arcade platform will it remove those games from playlists I’ve already created? I have playlists elsewhere in my set up that contain arcade games and I’d hate to have to re-add them back to the various playlists. thanks!
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