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  1. Hi, I saw a thread last year about Launchbox running on the Steam Deck but was wondering now the Deck is launching if there has been any thoughts given since about a LB instance able to run natively there? Thanks
  2. Thanks for such a quick response. ? I will give clrMamePro a try and see if I can figure it out. Thanks again!
  3. Hi, I have the full Mame roms Split set which is approx 37k files (version 0.220). I would like to segment only the parent roms so I am left with only 1 zip file for each actual arcade game (hopefully that leaves only a few thousand game files). Does anybody have any idea how I can go about doing this (I want to avoid manually trawling through 37k file and deleting the child rom files)? Thanks Gup
  4. thanks both Retro808 and neil9000. Installed correctly now and back to normal ?
  5. Hi, I ran installer 11.2 from the updates folder and it started a fresh install of Launchbox without any of my existing games or platforms intact? Have I lost all my settings? what can i do now to fix this?
  6. Hi there, does anybody have any ideas on the above issue? thanks in advance! Maybe I need to post more detail?
  7. Hi, Loving the latest updates, especially the cleanup media with "scan images for rough matches" (which I could certainly use!) I have run this and on other platforms I have run Download Media with "scan images for rough matches" enabled however I still have massive amounts of duplicate images (see attached examples). Wandering if this "rough matches" feature is still expected to be leaving behind dupes or if Im doing something wrong? Many thanks Gup
  8. Hi, I have had to move my roms folder to a different directory and therefore my emulator paths are now misaligned and not being found when I try to start a game. Having read on this forum, I have changed the paths in the platform.xml files however the games are still not being found when I try to start them (the paths i have replaced within the xml files are correct). Is there anything else i need to do to resolve this? How about selecting all the games and doing "change rom path folder", does that just update the XMl paths also? Thanks Gup
  9. Hi, I use both Launchbox and Emumoves to update my game images. How frequently are these libraries updated? It seems if I auto update my 10,000 games collection daily (I only update missing artwork) it always seems to bring back a 100 or more missing jpg's (which is great). But are these db's really updated that frequently or is my Launchbox updating already downloaded artwork? Thanks
  10. Unfortunately I dont have a full mame romset at the moment.
  11. I managed to get the DC roms running in Demul however I have a questions about my Japanese Naomi games which I cannot run. 1) I have a load of Naomi roms however they are in zip format. Each zip containing A gdi file and some additional bin and raw files for example. I cannot get the games to run. Does the GDI file need to be extracted for Naomi games and if so what about the additional files in the zip? 2) When I try to run a Naomi game I get this error However I have 2 Naomi bios zips in place. Is this likely an issue with the bios or game roms?
  12. Thanks for your input
  13. It is not in my dc.zip file. I have acquired a number of dc.zips online from various sources and none of them contain this missing file "set5v1.001.ic507". . Out of interest and I am not asking for anyone to share it but can you confirm that you have this missing file in your dc.zip? Thanks
  14. Thanks for the quick reply! I have all the relevant bio's. I have even tried grabbing them from different sources in case the zips were corrupted but I still get the error above even if I try "Run Dreamcast" from Demul itself and not via Launchbox
  15. Hi, After following the Demul Launchbox YT setup video step for step I am at a point where I get the following error if I try to start a DC game: "Unable to find set5v1.001.ic507" I have the DC bios's in the BIOS folder and my DC games are all in .zip format. I have tried many different fixes to try resolve this issue but none have worked. Has anybody had this issue before? Thanks alot!
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