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Posts posted by Bobsaidwzob

  1. Does anyone have a complete set of video snaps for xbox, wii, psp, or ds? Emu movies doesn't have a complete set and rather than download videos and edit them individually, it would be a lot easier if someone had them to share. Thanks.

  2. 2 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    Im not exactly sure what you are asking here to be honest. You have two completely different images there, you can see that the second one has a Capcom logo at the bottom left where as the other does not, and the top one doesnt look like it has a transparent background on it.

    I just realized that. Essentially even though they are different images, this is the issue I run into with every single image. As you can see from the bottom image, the spine looks completely different from the top. The spine looks lighter and I can't figure out why.

    I want the bottom image to look like the top in big box. You can see how the top image's spine look consistent and the same throughout. The top image is when it is viewed outside of LB or BB. It might be a LB issue too as I noticed that it also looks like this in LB. This is the only console it does that for.

  3. For the games view, I have horizontal wheel 2 selected. I have the 3d box art with the cart/disc in the foreground. As far as the 3d box goes, it seems that there is a white hue or some sort of brightness on the spine for some reason specifically the snes 3d boxes. I couldn't find where this setting would be in the xml files in order to change whatever that hue is so that it looks normal? I don't think it would the background image itself causing this but if there are any pointers that would be great.

    I've attached Mega max x as an example. One if from big box and the other is the actual jpg file when viewing it.



  4. Is there a way to display the total number of games somewhere in this theme? I know in the stock theme, it will show displaying "number of games" out of "total number of games" on the bottom left. I  like to know how many games I have total. If this is already in there and I have to change a setting let me know. Thanks! 

  5. 2 minutes ago, KCJ101 said:

    I changed the wheel so it is moves straight, up and down as opposed to curved. (easier for me to read the game titles as they move)   Is there a way to decrease the size of the pointer?  It is now covering the game titles.

    I would assume you can just resize the image of each pointer. The pointer images are located somewhere within the theme folders. As long as the image name remains the same it should be work. Otherwise if that doesn't work, look in the XML file related to that console to see if there is an aspect ratios you can change.


    I don't know if resizing the pointers from paint or whatever software would cause any issues with the rest of the theme. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    It would require a little bit more code than that. Also I do not believe videos are supported right now in the startup themes. Not too savvy on coding so not 100% sure.

    Figured I'd ask. Not a big fan of screenshots so I'll probably point to different artwork. Thanks.

  7. 1 hour ago, sundogak said:

    @BobsaidwzobFor both looks like there is issues with shaders.  So might check if shaders being used and turn off.  On the Broken RA one looks like save states are turned on, so might turn those off while figuring out what issue is.  In CFG file it is here:

    savestate_auto_load = "false"

    For the second one with no audio you have it outputting to this per your log at the end:

    [INFO] [MIDI]: Output device "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth".

    So you need to go into RA, then to the audio section and look for MIDI. Then Change the Output setting back to "off" and not directing it to the MS MIDI driver.  That is why no sound. 


    Thanks. I'll check the shaders but as far as the audio goes, it just happened to be on but even if it was off there's still no audio. I was just testing it out and I left it on when I ran the CMD.

  8. 24 minutes ago, sundogak said:
    log_verbosity = "false"

    Search for above in retoarch.cfg file. If turn from false to "true" should pop up a DOS command window on launch that logs what is going on with RA when running. Might see if anything pops up there. 

    Need to turn off startup screens in LB tab and set retroarch not to go full screen. Although if hard crash might crater DOS window as well (alt-tab might still work as long as leave crash dialog open). 

    These are the two logs I got. One is the old RA where it froze via LB. The second on is the RA in a different folder that works but does not have audio and the load screens are in japanese.

    Broken RA.rtf

    Working RA - No Audio.rtf

  9. I've been playing around to see if I could get it to work. I've downloaded retroarch again and ran it from a different folder and launched it via LB. That seemed to work but it created other issues as I cannot get any audio from any game. I've looked in the settings and it seems to be normal and my tv speakers work fine as I can hear everything else other than retroarch games. On top of that, my ps1 core loads in japanese straight to the memory card boot screen and does not load the disc. I've tried 3 cored and the same issue. I have all the bios in the system folder and it points to that folder. I couldn't find anything online about this either.

  10. Just now, Retro808 said:

    If it runs directly in Retroarch and not through Launchbox you likely have a disconnet in your setup within LB. Can you post pics of your setup. A lot of times it helps us to see your settings  

    In the edit emualtors screen share pic of the Emulator Details tab and the Associated platforms tab. Then go to a game that will not play and edit it. Share pic of the Launcher tab and the Emulation tab. 

    Attached are the screenshots you requested. Let me know if anything else is needed to diagnose this issue.






  11. 4 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    Go in Launchbox to Tools>Manage Emulators and choose Retroarch then edit. In the associated platforms tab there make sure you have all the platforms listed that will use Retroarch (The name listed in the Associated Plaforms tab must match the name as you have them called in Launchbox). Also make sure for each platform you have the correct core listed that you want to use. 

    All the emulators are correct and associated with the correct platform. I went thru those first and still have issues with freezing.

  12. For some reason, no matter which platform I'm trying to play, retroarch crashed if I load the game thru LB. It looks like it's starting with the FPS in the tope left corner, but it's just black and eventually it crashes and it asked me either to close the program or wait for it to respond. It never responds. If I open retroarch thru the exe and load a rom, it works perfectly fine. I cannot figure out why it doesn't work thru LB. I was hoping someone might have  solution for this. I am running 1.7.5 on retroarch and the most current version of LB which I believe is 9.3. 


    I'll also add that I have the correct emulators pointing to the platforms. Not sure if that info is pertinent or not. 


    Thanks in advance.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    Custom backgrounds for the genre and play modes the prior member asked about (2-player, 4-player, etc...). Since implementing those playlist types in Launchbox Jason has not added new custom backgrounds for them to this theme's downloaded content. The user can of course create their own.  


    Gotcha. That makes sense.

  14. 1 minute ago, Jason Carr said:

    Custom backgrounds have not yet been built for all of the genres and play modes available for the consoles, so currently it just uses the console background.

    Custom backgrounds for what? When you are scrolling through the consoles or games? Ive created custom backgrounds for when I scroll thru games. I just renamed the image to the console name and resized it and it worked fine for me. 

  15. Thanks. I was only looking at the sq folder. There were some additional videos in here that I didn't have but for the most part I'm still missing a lot of videos. Mostly DS and wii. I'll have to download some gameplay from youtube and trim the video length manually.

  16. I did try and ftp in there and the Wii fder was empty. I only found about 300 PSP games. The day games aren't a compete set as far as I could tell and I have about 300 games left over that weren't included in that set. do you which folder these are located in?

  17. 4 hours ago, neil9000 said:

    First) Game videos come from Emunovies but you need a paid subscription there to get them in Launchbox.

    Second) Make sure you are on the correct view, only one has the box art and spinning disc.

    Lastly) Same as above, sounds like you are on the Text list view, either go to options/views and change the view, or set a button to it in controller options to switch it on the fly.

    Thanks for the help. I did end up figuring it out with the controller buttons. Do you know if there is a way to slow down the spin rate of the discs? 

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