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killa7977's Achievements

8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. Yeah, thanks a lot mate. Hope to see you in here, well not here in troubleshooting 😂
  2. Ok, now i'm almost 100% sure. It was AMD Freesync from amd suite. I dont know why (but i would to know) It causes this kind of conflict with both launchbox and bigbox. And why the older LB 8.4 was not affected. Who knows .... Glad It was not an hardware issue, quite frankly i never believe It was. So, some of you were right, it was some kind of conflict between "drivers". Anyhow, It would be cool to know why this happened. Let me know, and most of all, thanks to everybody for the patience. I appreciate
  3. Still messing around Just to be 100% sure, not like the First time when i thought it was a pen drive.... See ya tomorrow
  4. Quick update, Will post tomorrow, but i think i have resolved. Messing around a Little bit more and report back 😀
  5. C-beats i can Say 100% that windows Is up to date. I Will post a Pic later... What do you mean by "insider builds"? What Is It? I could disable It if i knew what Is that 😬 Kingslayer i Will reply to you later when i have something new to show on my hands. Talking about formatting i know how to do It, i have done It sooooo many times that i'm trying to avoid It at all costs. It Is a pain in the ass everytime, and i have done It less that 1 year ago. System Is rocking solid and fast, trust me if It would be needee for having LB working properly i Will do It.... But as now, Who knows 😉
  6. It's ok mate, trust me 😉. I Will try that other things when i got back from work and report here . I can Just say that ryzen master (inhave core temp too) shows no overload and temp are normal (at least this Is what i think for my aknowledge). Ambient temp Is 27, while launchbox Is running CPU Is at around 45 and GPU 50 or something like that, but load in almost nothing. Will post pictures later. Yes i have tested a totally fresh install on 2 different drives, an SSD and a hard disk. I'm sooooo sure that there Is a conflict somewhere in this PC 🤔
  7. My God this cannot be true, tell me that you joking. You keep repeating that i dont want to listen... It Is funny.... Because i passed the last days trying to sort this thing out. Switching version, shutting down things, try this try that. You are right, i have nothing else to di, i'm bored. So i wake up day and i thought: why dont Just mess with users of LB community Just for fun. Dude are you serious or what. I have tried everything you suggested. Guess what, i'm still here with that problema. You are an experienced PC builder you said, so how come i have a faulty hardware that Is faulty only when running launchbox and with dozen of other things It Is not broken? A PC built 4 yrs ago can be faulty? Sure It can, but It should me faulty not Just when LB fires up. So what are you saying exactly? If we talk about driver issues or conflicts i'm with you, but enough with the story that It could be an hardware issue. It Is Just not even possibile that It shows up ONLY with launchbox. The problem Is elsewhere. So my dear "technician" what Is your point? Your argument Is invalid. I'm attacching passmark memtest that shows everything Is Just fine. Nothing Is throttling dude, i have msi afterburner and and panel that shows GPU temp Is under 50 lC and fan Is not even running. CPU usage Is below 5% like i said many times. You dont have a clue? Thats fine, but dont talk about something you cant talk about Just because you have a mouth. One more thing, sometimes i think that i seem "rude" with language, but trust me It Is because i'm writing in a language that Is not mine, and also because im tired of this. Back ot. Someone asked wich version i'm on, It Is 13.5, and lags, reverting to 8.4 lag vanish, going back to 13.5 lag starts again .. somebody suggented me that net 6.0 thing. Can you please point me to the link of that package? Thanks Memtest Is still going, this Is the picture, till now It Is ok, but it has moto finished yet, but i'm pretty sure that there Is nothing wrong with memory
  8. This Is a desperation up, a call for help 🤣 i'm starting to consider formatting everything e restart with a fresh Windows, but It Is a pain and a waste of time because i still Don't know if It Will happen again. Yesterday i was almost convinced to Stick with 8.2 and live in peace, but there are so many bugs and missing cool new features.... 😔 I'm talking to most experienced user and hopefully any dev, you cant see nothing from debug log? I can post It again if needed. Thanks
  9. To c-beats (Sorry but in smartphone i dont understand if im quoting or not). If i Remember correctly the actual versione Is 12.5, or the last available, i Always let It update automatically. I'm on win 10 legit Copy with all the updates. So do you think It could be this net 6.0? Speaking of direct x It Is up to date to the latest available. About big box and GPU, lag occurs even while im not on BB, Just LB. I also have tried to wipe out the entire amd suite and leave the driver only installation. AA Is set to appplication choice not forced tru amd suite. I Will try to check temp while lagging to see if It throttles due to overheating but seems a bit weird to me. Never happened with other appplication. Any other ideas? Thanks
  10. Yeah that versione of LB Is pretty old, but at least i works. I started from 7.something with a year licence, then my last update was on 8.2 before It expires. I renewed this year for a lifetime. Inbuilt my PC later than jumping into launchbox, It was 2019 i think. But i was using already It on my old PC. Yeah, let's Say It Is kind of... Ok... That the old version works, but at the same time It Is even more frustrating and sad
  11. Is there any custom themes that let you shows games by the date they were added, from older to newest and viceversa? I have came across the filters on most themes, but It Is a bit clumbersone to navigate tru dates.... Is there any theme that can do It by mapping a controller button (switching from list by name, most played, date added etc) Thanks
  12. I thought i was the only gamer over this Planet that loves more to Watch his collection rather than play It ahahah
  13. Mate, i listen, but if you say that, seems like system requirements have raised from the past above my system specs. It Is sure a bit more demanding, but what's the point saying that? Almost any PC can handle lauchbox, and surely mine does. Honestly i dont care how many time It was stated, i'm here ti try to resolve the problem, i do not like wasting my time. So please, if you have nothing usefull to Say, Just ignore my thread and move along. What are you saying Is not usefull at all. What do you think, if i would have a problem with let's Say anything else i payed for, ie a steam game, i were in Is this forum complaining IF launchbox Is interfering with that game? What kind of tech will Say . "It Is your problem, It Is tour pc, It Is your drivers, you dont listen, come on ..Other users are trying to help, i dont need your "morale". So this Is why im here. Because I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH LAUNCHBOX and i dont know why. And i would like to resolve It. I dont care about the money itself, but i like this frontend for my collection and i want to use if possibile. Now you got me?
  14. Sure mate, i know, so a ryzen 2600x paired with a Vega 64 and 16gb of RAM isn't enough? What are you talking about? Are you serious? I have seem It running on hardware a lot less powerful, come on. Have you seen my task manager? CPU Is lower da 10% usage, RAM 15%. Please, be serious
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