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Michael Espinoza

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Everything posted by Michael Espinoza

  1. i hit F1 and it pauses and i cant get outta there
  2. How do i set up control configuration for capcom play system on retroarch??
  3. i tried but cant i dont know how to move the settings
  4. how do i do that????
  5. i have connected my laptop to tv with a hdmi cable you can see everything from my pc but once you start a game it doesnt show on my tv
  6. i have satellaview games running fine but when i press start or any button it does not respond
  7. Cool got it another question where can i find the cartridge art for SFamicom????
  8. Cool Man I Got It Runing Thanks Hell Yeahhh neil9000
  9. Yeah im running them on retroarch
  10. Im runing Sfamicom games on Super Nintendo Platform But If I Change the Platform To Super Famicom Wich i want but games do not run as that platform any tips on how to run as SFamicom????
  11. okay ill try that see how it goes ill keep you informed
  12. So I Wanna Get A Bunch Of Tenchnos Games From Diffrent Platforms GBA Mame Snes Ect But With The Technos Logo Just Like lets say Neo Geo Famicom Turbo Grafix 16 where you can choose Technos And play them from diffrent platforms
  13. anywhere i can find them???
  14. the games are in there platform these are the ones 1941 counter attack captain commando forgotten worlds the king of dragons mega man the power battle SF 2 Champion Edition SF Hyper Fighting super pang11 Warriors Of Fate
  15. im runing retroarch i downloaded a pack of cps1 roms but only like 3 or 4 are not working
  16. i have capcom game system but a few roms dont rum how do i fix them
  17. Thanks Dude That Got It Going
  18. still doesn play goes directly to games
  19. i did and nothing
  20. there is no folder named start up in the video folder
  21. i just went premium today and cant get intro videos to run i put the video in the videos folder as starup.mp4 and it doesnt run
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