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  1. No sorry didn't see your answer, but I can't do that trick. I use demul with the lightgun (aimtrak) and I can't fake the mouse position because probably it would affect also the aiming (since the aimtrak are ideintified as a virtual mouse). I've found another trick, disabling the hide mouse function and using with the classic nomousy with the script in this post: This seems to work pretty well, but even this is not a perfect solution or at least not handy as something that works out of the box, I hope they could fix it because the mouse hiding is one the function I like the most of LB.
  2. Hi, I've updated LB to the last version but the mouse hiding function still doesn't work, can I have some support in this help & support section?
  3. OT, I trying to have your same stuff working (TOTD2 with 2 aimtrak), I got everything working with demulshooter, the only problem I have is launchbox stopped hide the mouse cursor and it is really annoying with a lightgun game. Actually this happen with every game I used in demul, so I think is not related to lightguns, do you have the same problem? if now which version of LB are you using?
  4. Any help? Am I the only one with this problem? Is there any log to investigate?
  5. Hi, I've updated launchbox to the last version, but since then the hide mouse pointer function doesn't work anymore with demul, has anyone expirienced a similar problem?
  6. EDIT: Problem solved with the support, you can close Thank you
  7. Hi, I've started to use launchbox a couple of years ago and I started with a 1-year license that I've after upgraded to a forever license. I've updated today to the last version of launchbox and it say that my license is expired and to renew or upgrade it. So I tought that maybe there was a fee to pay for the upgrade from v9 to v10, so I go to the page to update the license, I upload my lincese and it say: Error: License is already a forever-updates license and does not need to be upgraded or renewed. What am I supposed to do?
  8. I think I got what was happening. From the video I recorded you can see there is only one Neo Geo MVS entry in every view but when I deleted it in the launchbox ui I found another one that was probably generated from the mame set and I didn't noticed before. Essentially when I have imported a second set of roms with the same name of an existing set this new set hidden the original one in LB e LB next. But in big box was the original set that hidden the new one. Don't know if this is a bug, for sure I was made something strange but I think that hiding one or the other depending on the version of LB/BB is confusing, the set should be merged o displayed twice (evend with the same name), or even just display a warning to make the situation more clear. However in the end is resolved deleting the set I imported in LB (so the last one, not the one from mame) and reimporting it with totally a new name (Neo Geo Overclocked) and doing this everything work. I have just a question, when I go in manage platforms now I see my new platform (Neo Geo Overclocked), the scrape as combo value is used only for scraping and not for other king of aggregation at UI level right? I'm asking because I'm using the UI in italian and since in Italian there is not a direct translation for "scraping" in this context, the translated word in my UI is a bit generic (just to give you an idea translating it back from italian to english it can be done as "bind to").
  9. SNK Classic is autogenerated but Neo Geo MVS is not, wasn't here before and was added only when I reimported the neogeo set. Also as you can see the neo geo mvs set in launchbox and LB uses the correct emulator, only in big box there is the problem. My idea is that I took the name lb uses for the autogenerated neo geo (Neo Geo MVS) and in bigbox it is binded in an arcoded way to Arcade. I will try to do the same procedure with a for sure custom set name, like Neo Geo Overclocked and look if the problem is the same.
  10. Don't know, however here the screencast , can you look and tell if I'm doing something wrong at configuration level?
  11. nope, for sure I have only one installation. Maybe it is a bug? I've recorded this screencast showing the configuration in launchbox and lb next and showing also that bigbox is using mame.
  12. Hi, I have two sets of neo geo games, one coming from mame and under Arcade and another one imported from another folder with only neo geo stuff imported as a set called Neo Geo MVS. I've done this because the Arcade set is emulated by mame, the other are emulated by retroarch with fba core and overclocked cpu. I've done this to play that neo geo games that have huge slowdowns (ie metal slug 2) at full speed. Obviosuly for the Neo Geo MVS games I've configured as emulator retor arch, and also this has the platform Neo Geo MVS, to launch them with the correct core. Also by launching them from launchbox or launchbox next everything work. But if I start them from BigBox mame is instead used. Are launchbox keeping sperate config for BigBox and ther other versions? in this case how can I modify the BigBox config of this set?
  13. In the end I followed your suggestion and just used the mame roms, thanks!
  14. Hi, I'm really new to launchbox and I've saw a lot of video about how to configure it. However I'm having some problems with demul. I saw a video tutorial where it is used a mame romset (non- merged) and some scripts. But to keep it simple I'd like to run classic dat file, I've tested this files in demul directly and they works, but I don't get how to configure the emulator entry in launchbox. Can someone give me an hand?
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