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Recommended media size


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Hey, I am a new user do Launchbox and I would like do contribute to the LB games DB, but i cant find info on standard/recommended image size. I have read 
"Moderator Guidelines and Contributor Rules" and all I could find was size for fanart(min 720), but what about banners,logos and clearart.

Also a question on quality topic, is screens made from emulators(like PCSX2) allowed? Because I have bumped up the resolution and quality of the game considerably and it would theoretically betray the original game image. I know it sounds a bit silly as the images are better quality but is it considered so-called "false advertising"?

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I wouldn't call it false advertising, we're emulation focused around here so of course that is a level of quality anyone could achieve given the right settings and computer. Otherwise, no there isn't a size restriction. The Database doesn't have one, so if you want to upload a 5000x5000 reconstructed box art, or you can only find a 200x100 clear logo cause a better one may not exist, then go for it. If a better something or other gets found later, it can always be edited and replaced.

I also appreciate you taking the time to read the Guidelines, there has been a lot of confusion from both sides regarding that recently, so thank you.

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Thank you for clearing that up for me. If a small section of your explanation could end up in the guidelines(duo lack of information on the subject), that would be very much appreciated

If understand correctly the main focus for LB DB right now is quantity and I can see why, but setting the minimum size restriction(just like fanart backgrounds) would benefit the database and halve the resources of managing it in the long run.

This is just my opinion and as I said, I can see why quantity if focused right now.

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Well we would rather it be quantity with quality, you can have both, but in some situations there is nothing you can do. If a game doesn't have many scans of it's material, and they're lower resolution or bad quality, there isn't anything we're gonna be able to do unless we re-scan it or find someone else who did. The only reason why Fanart has a min. size requirement, is so that it can scale nicely for 16:9 monitors. That's generally the most used resolutions, so the 720p requirement is just there to try and make sure it fits that aspect ratio. I'd rather not set a size restriction on the database at all. If someone has a real scanned box art, and uploads it, and there aren't many if any alternatives then we shouldn't deny it at all. If someone later then re-makes it, then the reconstructed box art can then go in to the reconstructed portion of the images, and then we would have both.

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