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Controls for moving from Wheel to Recent games


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Hi, I am trying to edit a theme so that it includes the Recent games list. I added the code  <transitions:TransitionPresenter Grid.Row="9" Grid.RowSpan="3" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="11" TransitionSelector="{Binding BottomBoxesTransitionSelector}" Content="{Binding BottomBoxesView}" Margin="0,0,33,0"   />  and that made the Recent games show up and look great but I am having a hard time accessing it. It seems the controls are different depending on what Platform View I am using. On Platform View 2 I cant access it at all. On Platform View 3 I can access it by pressing down and continuing to press down to move through the list. What I would like is to press up to access the list and left and right to move through it. Does anyone know how to make this change.

Here is the bitbucket ticket I opened and screenshot of what I am trying to do.




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