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Hi guys, just got into Launchbase in the last few weeks and I am in love with it, having used Hyperspin on and off for a few years. I am embarking on a project to collect as many systems as possible and build myself a "console" based on Launchbase. With this of course, I am trying to complete systems and make sure I have all the artwork uniform etc. 

The one thing I have noticed is that the Games DB is in a bit of a mess, but I don't want to go around making loads of changes without asking some questions first.

  1. Is there a default region we use (ie North America, then Europe, then Japan or just use World unless region/country specific). I say this because I have noticed many times, there is a ClearArt on USA and on World, the World one is better for example, but Launchbase automatically pulls the poor American counterpart.
  2. Is there a preference for say Cartridges. I would prefer cleaned up computer generated images (ie Photoshop scripted renders) rather than poor quality photographs, but I have seen both on some and again, the photo has been pulled first.
  3. Is there a way to bulk import to the database? I will be doing my edits locally in Excel pulled from the Audit tool first as this is quicker, it would seem silly to have to go through one by one for bulk changes.

Really interested in the answers. To let you know I am a web developer in PHP/SQL/Rails and an IT manager and I studied Digital Media Production so I am proficient in Photoshop/Illustrator/Premiere. I also am a whizz at Excel ;) so I hope I can help in any way I can.

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Gday dave, welcome aboard!

i suggest you check out the moderator guidlines, its the best way to know what will or wont be accepted in terms of images. 


you can change the image priorites in the options for launchbox, you can set what region or if your prefer fan art. 

There is no current bulk import tool for the db, jason did mention that he will be working on it for the next release though. Obviously this will be a closed tool to only a few, it could create great havok in the wrong hands.


Hi Massatomic, Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen that, it clears a few things up.

I think the thing with the setting the region is that art is in the wrong place anyway.

Understandable obviously not wanting everyone to bulk import, havoc indeed, but I mean in terms of the development team.

Anyway, I have audited my ROM collection for Magnavox Odyssey 2 for example in the attached spreadsheet and generated ClearLogos for all the games. I can't seem to figure out how to import this data back into Launchbox and I don't really want to have to go through the GamesDB one by one. ?

Magnavox Odyssey 2 V1.xlsx

Magnavox Odyssey 2 ClearLogos V1.zip

Posted (edited)

Not so much for the development team but everyone involved. That's the thing with the gamesdb, its all done by the community from the submissions to the moderation. It would be a nightmare for moderators if someone got a hold of a tool like that and made 1000's of changes that were a mistake, it would take moderators hours to reject them all.

Obviously from a community standpoint it would be great to add the to the gamesdb as it benefits everyone!  You could always at the very least put your media together on the download section and someone may get to it in the future, there is a great bunch of people here and you never know, someone may be looking for a way to contribute.

If you wanted to just dump those images into your collection you can, lb should pick them up as long as the names are the same and it seems that is the case. Look in you launchbox directory at

LaunchBox\Images\Magnavox Odyssey 2\Clear Logo

Not sure what you mean with your data though, did you audit that from with launchbox already, if so that should all already be in your collection. A way of moving data from lb entries to the db has been talked about but from what I understand they cant come up with a good way for that data to enter the moderation process. DB updates were the most voted option in the last poll for development, we will have to see what the team comes up with. Again I think if you have a heap of data that is correct and can be added into the database feel free to share it and someone may get to it in the future.

Edited by massatomic

I got the images in no problem, but I copied the data from the Audit Tool in Launchbox, but I can't paste back into this tool.

I edited the details in Excel. I have a feeling that I will have to edit the XML file in Excel and see if that works. 


Yeah, think that may be the case.

Either do the games one by one with the edit tool or manually edit the xml file.

Or Chuck all the info in thgamesdb, wait for moderation approval and re scrape metadata

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