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new day, new problem: I set up my "Commodore 64" - platform as good as possible, BUT ...

While i was attempting to play a game, nothing happens. When i looked into the rom directory, it pointed to an .mp4-video - file !

I found out that this happens to the half of my C64 - games, especially when i only have the videofile AND no rom for that game.

Now: How can i update it to point to the rom-directory and delete media for games that i don´t have ?!


Hi, I can't understand how that could happend but, anyways, if the roms and videos are in different folders you could use the Audit function and then Sort the list by the filename,that should leave all mp4 "roms together to delete them I think. I also think that it Will vive you the option to delete the roms (video file in this case) if you have the option to delete roms checked in LB settings.

Disclaimer: I'm not responsible if things go wrong so try to make a backup first ?


Dear Jophran,

first of all: Thanks for your fast reply !

I did an audit already yesterday, still shows me the snap of a videofile ...

I had the media files seperated in a some folders, but these folders were within the rom - dir. Perhaps this is the reason why it pointed to the .mp4-media !!

How can i sort the files by the filename ?

Did an examination of all files and sorted by file - extension, but there were nevertheless mixed up, that means that the .mp4 - files were not compact together ( Sorry for my bad english ... ) !

Hope for an answer,






So that is, if the videos where in a subfolder in the roms folder they were scraped as roms also, you must have checked the option to scan subfolders when imported the games. What I would do is to use the Audit tool and in the list that shows you the results just click in the title of the File Path column, that should leave all the games whose rom files are in the videos subfolder together in the list so you can easily select all of them and delete the games from the database, that will also delete the media of those games. Besides that if you have checked the option "Allow deleting roms when deleting games" in Tools->Options->General, when you delete the games it will give you the option to delete the roms (Videos in this case). Hope this helps.


Thanks, Jophran !

I must admit that i deleted all media folders some days ago, BUT ...

Now the games are pointing to the video file IN the rom - directory, it looks like: "Commodore 64 / Roms / mp4" !

Started yesterday to audit all games but it took so long, so i am gonna rerun this this morning when i have time ...


I am about and on it to delete all that C64 thing completely !

Made an audition and saw a list of all games and media messed-up; even sorting by file-path, no luck ... It wasn´t still in the right order.

Now i´m extracting a "Commodore 64" - rom-pack i found on "Youtube", to start from scratch.

Nevertheless: Thank you for your fast help, Jophran !


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