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Hello, there !

Following problem: When i start a game (mainly "WCW Nitro" & "WCW Thunder"), the bios sound is still payed even when i see the FMV of the game.

I mean, the end of the bios-sound gets looped even when i am in-game !!

It is a launchbox-problem, because when i launch up ePSXe alone, i can play these games without any soundloops.

Now, what can i do to stop the bios ?!


I dropped using ePSXe as my goto emulator for PS1 games in favor of the PSX_HW core in retroach which is much more feature rich, and to be honest better in just about every way... just an FYI in case you wanted to give that a try (if you already have retroarch setup that is).  That being said, if I recall correctly there's a command line you need to enter in your emulator settings in LB for ePSXe in order for it to load correctly (

).  According to the LB thread for command line options, -nogui -slowboot -loadbin is the recommend command line option for that emulator.  Not sure if this will fix your issue or not, but check to make sure that's listed as a command line options in your emulator settings in LB just to be sure.  If it's not there, that might be the fix.


Dear CDBlue,

i dont have retroarch installed and i wont do it as i use the particular,single emulators for each system.

But what i did was entering the command-line even BEFORE i had this soundloop-problem.

I changed "-slowboot" (which executed the soundloop!) to "-fastboot".

Now i cannot see the bios any longer, but the games are playing correctly.

Thanks nevertheless dear CDBlue for the fast reply.

Thread can be closed now...


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