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I didn't realize that a newer Mupen64plus core was available for retroarch, so I downloaded it (mupen64plus-next) and it seems to run a lot smoother than the normal mupen64plus core. I'm noticing a couple bugs that I don't know how to fix and was looking for any advice or suggestions for them.

1. I've noticed some games will load and then freeze, but after restarting the game the game runs just fine, the initial start of the game seems to be the problem, is there a way to force the game to restart on startup or something along those lines?

2. The mupen64plus-next core when it is in 4:3 doesn't fill the screen like the 4:3 setting in the original mupen64plus core, I tried setting the scaling to custom and making it how it needs to be, but it seems like that it would need to be done for game to game and just setting it in the core config didn't adjust the screen for all games. Any ideas for fixing this as well?

Those are the only things I've noticed so far, and maybe people have better suggestions for what emulator or core works best for the 64, I'm open to any and all suggestions to get the best performance with the 64 games.

My PC specs are:

i3 9100F 3.6Ghz

GeForce GTX 760


Windows 10 Pro

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