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Help with early windows games

Disney  Rob

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Have been fooling around with Launchbox, and I am impressed. However I am still having some issues   and can not get things to work the way I want them too.

How do you get early Windows Games to run  games like: Games like Windows 3.1 and MDOS Games that do not work in DOSBOX


Tex Murphy Under a Killing Moon

Life and Death 2

Orion Burger

The Dame Was Loaded

Civil War Generals 2  just to name a few

These games are usually Windows 3.1 era games. I just can not figure it out.

DOSBOX works like a charm,  and I can get those games to run, but it seems games that require early Windows just spit me back to the desktop.

Also I am having trouble with games not coming up in full screen is there a trick to that as well.

I could go  on experimenting, but I would rather go to the experts who know how to do these things.

Thanks for the help.


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one solution is to use a version of DosBox with Windows 3.1 installed, do a search for 'dosbox with windows 3.1 download'. Then you get the floppies or CD and mount them in that version of DosBox. Load that version of DosBox and it will launch Windows 3.1, while in Windows install the software. Now doing it this way you can not use Launch/BigBox to launch the game directly, all you can do is make a link to launch into Windows 3.1 and then navigate to the game you want.

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