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This weekend when I turned on my computer with launchbox to update windows 10, a few minutes later I discovered a weird smell sitting in my recliner and get up to look at what it is and the arcade cabinet is no longer on (blank display) then noticed liquid all over the place inside the cabinet.  Well looking at it a little closer the Liquid CPU cooler cover snapped off and all the cpu coolant went everywhere including everywhere in the computer.  I am building a new PC this week, but the SSD that my Launchbox files I believe should be still fine and operable and the games are on two external hard drives.  If I move the the SSD to my new PC as a slave drive and make shortcuts to the launch files and make sure the external drives are the same letters as they were in the previous PC will have I any problems or do I need to do anything else (installing or moving files to a new drive).  Also if there are any videos on moving your launchbox files to a new PC would be helpful also.  Thank you.

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This may help provide a little guidance.

Outside of that, though, I think it depends on how extensive your setup is.

For example, do you have Daphne set up for laserdisc games?  Are you using a batch file for it?  Is it using a ./ to just indicate the root drive where the command is being run from or do you have the entire path specified like f:/launchbox/emulators/daphne/daphne.exe.  If you keep all of the drives the exact same, you should be able to mitigate much of this but in my experience the larger a system  you build out with multiple emulators and batch files etc... the harder it gets to keep a Launchbox setup portable unless you take portability into account at every step.  Good luck!

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Nope, this didn't work. I guess my launchbox folder was already on an external drive but I have some ROMs on another drive.  Installed the two dependencies and Launchbox pop up loads on the screen and then it goes away with nothing opening.  Not sure what else I need to do to get this working on a new PC with both drives plugged in.

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