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Hi all! 

I created an excel sheet to self help me sorting have/missing games for each platform. But i think also can help other people with its build, so i'm gonna share it.



This post do not pretend to be a colaborative one, but if is there any bad info detected, just tell me and i will check and modify if necessary.

This sheet also have an utility using the row "FORMULA", which can be used to copy games from romsets to another folder. The use is as simple as creating a .bat file with the files inside and a @pause at the end. Just an example:


mkdir _GX4000

copy "Barbarian II (Europe).zip" _GX4000

copy "Batman - The Movie (Europe).zip" _GX4000

copy "Burnin' Rubber (Europe).zip" _GX4000

copy "Copter 271 (Europe).zip" _GX4000




The rule i used to do the lists is based on a 1G1R with USA as priority and then Europe for the non USA Released Games. I only added Official Released Games. No Protos, Demos, Unlicensed, etc.


Console Audit.xlsx

Edited by ci2own

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